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//! Database reader thread-pool definitions and logic.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
task::{Context, Poll},
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use crossbeam::channel::Receiver;
use curve25519_dalek::{constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT, edwards::CompressedEdwardsY, Scalar};
use futures::{channel::oneshot, ready};
use monero_serai::{transaction::Timelock, H};
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator};
use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
use tokio::sync::{OwnedSemaphorePermit, Semaphore};
use tokio_util::sync::PollSemaphore;
use cuprate_helper::asynch::InfallibleOneshotReceiver;
use cuprate_types::{
service::{ReadRequest, Response},
ExtendedBlockHeader, OutputOnChain,
use crate::{
free::{output_to_output_on_chain, rct_output_to_output_on_chain},
block::{get_block_extended_header_from_height, get_block_info},
blockchain::{cumulative_generated_coins, top_block_height},
output::{get_output, get_rct_output},
service::types::{ResponseReceiver, ResponseResult, ResponseSender},
tables::{BlockHeights, BlockInfos, KeyImages, NumOutputs, Outputs, Tables},
types::{Amount, AmountIndex, BlockHeight, KeyImage, OutputFlags, PreRctOutputId},
ConcreteEnv, DatabaseRo, Env, EnvInner,
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DatabaseReadHandle
/// Read handle to the database.
/// This is cheaply [`Clone`]able handle that
/// allows `async`hronously reading from the database.
/// Calling [`tower::Service::call`] with a [`DatabaseReadHandle`] & [`ReadRequest`]
/// will return an `async`hronous channel that can be `.await`ed upon
/// to receive the corresponding [`Response`].
pub struct DatabaseReadHandle {
/// Handle to the custom `rayon` DB reader thread-pool.
/// Requests are [`rayon::ThreadPool::spawn`]ed in this thread-pool,
/// and responses are returned via a channel we (the caller) provide.
pool: Arc<rayon::ThreadPool>,
/// Counting semaphore asynchronous permit for database access.
/// Each [`tower::Service::poll_ready`] will acquire a permit
/// before actually sending a request to the `rayon` DB threadpool.
semaphore: PollSemaphore,
/// An owned permit.
/// This will be set to [`Some`] in `poll_ready()` when we successfully acquire
/// the permit, and will be [`Option::take()`]n after `tower::Service::call()` is called.
/// The actual permit will be dropped _after_ the rayon DB thread has finished
/// the request, i.e., after [`map_request()`] finishes.
permit: Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>,
/// Access to the database.
env: Arc<ConcreteEnv>,
// `OwnedSemaphorePermit` does not implement `Clone`,
// so manually clone all elements, while keeping `permit`
// `None` across clones.
impl Clone for DatabaseReadHandle {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
pool: Arc::clone(&self.pool),
semaphore: self.semaphore.clone(),
permit: None,
env: Arc::clone(&self.env),
impl DatabaseReadHandle {
/// Initialize the `DatabaseReader` thread-pool backed by `rayon`.
/// This spawns `N` amount of `DatabaseReader`'s
/// attached to `env` and returns a handle to the pool.
/// Should be called _once_ per actual database.
#[inline(never)] // Only called once.
pub(super) fn init(env: &Arc<ConcreteEnv>, reader_threads: ReaderThreads) -> Self {
// How many reader threads to spawn?
let reader_count = reader_threads.as_threads().get();
// Spawn `rayon` reader threadpool.
let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
.thread_name(|i| format!("cuprate_helper::service::read::DatabaseReader{i}"))
// Create a semaphore with the same amount of
// permits as the amount of reader threads.
let semaphore = PollSemaphore::new(Arc::new(Semaphore::new(reader_count)));
// Return a handle to the pool.
Self {
pool: Arc::new(pool),
permit: None,
env: Arc::clone(env),
/// Access to the actual database environment.
/// # ⚠️ Warning
/// This function gives you access to the actual
/// underlying database connected to by `self`.
/// I.e. it allows you to read/write data _directly_
/// instead of going through a request.
/// Be warned that using the database directly
/// in this manner has not been tested.
pub const fn env(&self) -> &Arc<ConcreteEnv> {
impl tower::Service<ReadRequest> for DatabaseReadHandle {
type Response = Response;
type Error = RuntimeError;
type Future = ResponseReceiver;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// Check if we already have a permit.
if self.permit.is_some() {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
// Acquire a permit before returning `Ready`.
let permit =
ready!(self.semaphore.poll_acquire(cx)).expect("this semaphore is never closed");
self.permit = Some(permit);
fn call(&mut self, request: ReadRequest) -> Self::Future {
let permit = self
.expect("poll_ready() should have acquire a permit before calling call()");
// Response channel we `.await` on.
let (response_sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// Spawn the request in the rayon DB thread-pool.
// Note that this uses `self.pool` instead of `rayon::spawn`
// such that any `rayon` parallel code that runs within
// the passed closure uses the same `rayon` threadpool.
// The below `DatabaseReader` function impl block relies on this behavior.
let env = Arc::clone(&self.env);
self.pool.spawn(move || {
let _permit: OwnedSemaphorePermit = permit;
map_request(&env, request, response_sender);
}); // drop(permit/env);
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request Mapping
// This function maps [`Request`]s to function calls
// executed by the rayon DB reader threadpool.
/// Map [`Request`]'s to specific database handler functions.
/// This is the main entrance into all `Request` handler functions.
/// The basic structure is:
/// 1. `Request` is mapped to a handler function
/// 2. Handler function is called
/// 3. [`Response`] is sent
fn map_request(
env: &ConcreteEnv, // Access to the database
request: ReadRequest, // The request we must fulfill
response_sender: ResponseSender, // The channel we must send the response back to
) {
use ReadRequest as R;
/* TODO: pre-request handling, run some code for each request? */
let response = match request {
R::BlockExtendedHeader(block) => block_extended_header(env, block),
R::BlockHash(block) => block_hash(env, block),
R::BlockExtendedHeaderInRange(range) => block_extended_header_in_range(env, range),
R::ChainHeight => chain_height(env),
R::GeneratedCoins => generated_coins(env),
R::Outputs(map) => outputs(env, map),
R::NumberOutputsWithAmount(vec) => number_outputs_with_amount(env, vec),
R::CheckKIsNotSpent(set) => check_k_is_not_spent(env, set),
if let Err(e) = response_sender.send(response) {
// TODO: use tracing.
println!("database reader failed to send response: {e:?}");
/* TODO: post-request handling, run some code for each request? */
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Local
/// Q: Why does this exist?
/// A1: `heed`'s transactions and tables are not `Sync`, so we cannot use
/// them with rayon, however, we set a feature such that they are `Send`.
/// A2: When sending to rayon, we want to ensure each read transaction
/// is only being used by 1 thread only to scale reads
/// <https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/pull/113#discussion_r1576762346>
fn thread_local<T: Send>(env: &impl Env) -> ThreadLocal<T> {
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handler functions
// These are the actual functions that do stuff according to the incoming [`Request`].
// Each function name is a 1-1 mapping (from CamelCase -> snake_case) to
// the enum variant name, e.g: `BlockExtendedHeader` -> `block_extended_header`.
// Each function will return the [`Response`] that we
// should send back to the caller in [`map_request()`].
// These functions are called above in `tower::Service::call()`
// using a custom threadpool which means any call to `par_*()` functions
// will be using the custom rayon DB reader thread-pool, not the global one.
// All functions below assume that this is the case, such that
// `par_*()` functions will not block the _global_ rayon thread-pool.
// TODO: implement multi-transaction read atomicity.
// <https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/pull/113#discussion_r1576874589>.
/// [`ReadRequest::BlockExtendedHeader`].
fn block_extended_header(env: &ConcreteEnv, block_height: BlockHeight) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = env_inner.tx_ro()?;
let tables = env_inner.open_tables(&tx_ro)?;
get_block_extended_header_from_height(&block_height, &tables)?,
/// [`ReadRequest::BlockHash`].
fn block_hash(env: &ConcreteEnv, block_height: BlockHeight) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = env_inner.tx_ro()?;
let table_block_infos = env_inner.open_db_ro::<BlockInfos>(&tx_ro)?;
get_block_info(&block_height, &table_block_infos)?.block_hash,
/// [`ReadRequest::BlockExtendedHeaderInRange`].
fn block_extended_header_in_range(
env: &ConcreteEnv,
range: std::ops::Range<BlockHeight>,
) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = thread_local(env);
let tables = thread_local(env);
let vec = range
.map(|block_height| {
let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
let tables = tables.get_or_try(|| env_inner.open_tables(tx_ro))?;
get_block_extended_header_from_height(&block_height, tables)
.collect::<Result<Vec<ExtendedBlockHeader>, RuntimeError>>()?;
/// [`ReadRequest::ChainHeight`].
fn chain_height(env: &ConcreteEnv) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = env_inner.tx_ro()?;
let table_block_heights = env_inner.open_db_ro::<BlockHeights>(&tx_ro)?;
let table_block_infos = env_inner.open_db_ro::<BlockInfos>(&tx_ro)?;
let top_height = top_block_height(&table_block_heights)?;
let block_hash = get_block_info(&top_height, &table_block_infos)?.block_hash;
Ok(Response::ChainHeight(top_height, block_hash))
/// [`ReadRequest::GeneratedCoins`].
fn generated_coins(env: &ConcreteEnv) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = env_inner.tx_ro()?;
let table_block_heights = env_inner.open_db_ro::<BlockHeights>(&tx_ro)?;
let table_block_infos = env_inner.open_db_ro::<BlockInfos>(&tx_ro)?;
let top_height = top_block_height(&table_block_heights)?;
/// [`ReadRequest::Outputs`].
fn outputs(env: &ConcreteEnv, map: HashMap<Amount, HashSet<AmountIndex>>) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = thread_local(env);
let tables = thread_local(env);
// -> Result<(AmountIndex, OutputOnChain), RuntimeError>
let inner_map = |amount, amount_index| {
let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
let tables = tables.get_or_try(|| env_inner.open_tables(tx_ro))?;
if amount == 0 {
// v2 transactions.
let rct_output = get_rct_output(&amount_index, tables.rct_outputs())?;
let output_on_chain =
rct_output_to_output_on_chain(&rct_output, amount, tables.tx_unlock_time())?;
Ok((amount_index, output_on_chain))
} else {
// v1 transactions.
let pre_rct_output_id = PreRctOutputId {
let output = get_output(&pre_rct_output_id, tables.outputs())?;
let output_on_chain =
output_to_output_on_chain(&output, amount, tables.tx_unlock_time())?;
Ok((amount_index, output_on_chain))
let map = map
.map(|(amount, amount_index_set)| {
.map(|amount_index| inner_map(amount, amount_index))
.collect::<Result<HashMap<AmountIndex, OutputOnChain>, RuntimeError>>()?,
.collect::<Result<HashMap<Amount, HashMap<AmountIndex, OutputOnChain>>, RuntimeError>>()?;
/// [`ReadRequest::NumberOutputsWithAmount`].
fn number_outputs_with_amount(env: &ConcreteEnv, amounts: Vec<Amount>) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = thread_local(env);
let tables = thread_local(env);
// Cache the amount of RCT outputs once.
// INVARIANT: #[cfg] @ lib.rs asserts `usize == u64`
let num_rct_outputs = {
let tx_ro = env_inner.tx_ro()?;
let tables = env_inner.open_tables(&tx_ro)?;
tables.rct_outputs().len()? as usize
let map = amounts
.map(|amount| {
let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
let tables = tables.get_or_try(|| env_inner.open_tables(tx_ro))?;
if amount == 0 {
// v2 transactions.
Ok((amount, num_rct_outputs))
} else {
// v1 transactions.
match tables.num_outputs().get(&amount) {
// INVARIANT: #[cfg] @ lib.rs asserts `usize == u64`
Ok(count) => Ok((amount, count as usize)),
// If we get a request for an `amount` that doesn't exist,
// we return `0` instead of an error.
Err(RuntimeError::KeyNotFound) => Ok((amount, 0)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
.collect::<Result<HashMap<Amount, usize>, RuntimeError>>()?;
/// [`ReadRequest::CheckKIsNotSpent`].
fn check_k_is_not_spent(env: &ConcreteEnv, key_images: HashSet<KeyImage>) -> ResponseResult {
let env_inner = env.env_inner();
let tx_ro = thread_local(env);
let tables = thread_local(env);
let key_image_exists = |key_image| {
let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
let tables = tables.get_or_try(|| env_inner.open_tables(tx_ro))?;
key_image_exists(&key_image, tables.key_images())
// TODO:
// Create/use `enum cuprate_types::Exist { Does, DoesNot }`
// or similar instead of `bool` for clarity.
// <https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/pull/113#discussion_r1581536526>
match key_images
// If the result is either:
// `Ok(true)` => a key image was found, return early
// `Err` => an error was found, return early
// Else, `Ok(false)` will continue the iterator.
.find_any(|result| !matches!(result, Ok(false)))
None | Some(Ok(false)) => Ok(Response::CheckKIsNotSpent(true)), // Key image was NOT found.
Some(Ok(true)) => Ok(Response::CheckKIsNotSpent(false)), // Key image was found.
Some(Err(e)) => Err(e), // A database error occurred.