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* start handshaker builder * finish builder * remove borsh requirement * fix poll_ready :/ * add more docs to builder * more docs * fix clippy * merge fixes * fix doc test * fix imports * cargo fmt * split `PeerRequest` and `PeerResponse` enums up. This splits them both into a protocol and admin enum * add request handler file * integrate request handler into connection * fix docs * doc updates * add more docs * fix docs * misc changes * review fixes * fix merge * add dummy file * fix docs * Update p2p/dandelion-tower/src/router.rs * fix docs
509 lines
17 KiB
509 lines
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//! # Dandelion++ Pool
//! This module contains [`DandelionPool`] which is a thin wrapper around a backing transaction store,
//! which fully implements the dandelion++ protocol.
//! ### How To Get Txs From [`DandelionPool`].
//! [`DandelionPool`] does not provide a full tx-pool API. You cannot retrieve transactions from it or
//! check what transactions are in it, to do this you must keep a handle to the backing transaction store
//! yourself.
//! The reason for this is, the [`DandelionPool`] will only itself be passing these requests onto the backing
//! pool, so it makes sense to remove the "middle man".
//! ### Keep Stem Transactions Hidden
//! When using your handle to the backing store it must be remembered to keep transactions in the stem pool hidden.
//! So handle any requests to the tx-pool like the stem side of the pool does not exist.
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
use rand::prelude::*;
use rand_distr::Exp;
use tokio::{
sync::{mpsc, oneshot},
use tokio_util::{sync::PollSender, time::DelayQueue};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing::Instrument;
use crate::{
traits::{TxStoreRequest, TxStoreResponse},
DandelionConfig, DandelionRouteReq, DandelionRouterError, State, TxState,
/// Start the [`DandelionPool`].
/// This function spawns the [`DandelionPool`] and returns [`DandelionPoolService`] which can be used to send
/// requests to the pool.
/// ### Args
/// - `buffer_size` is the size of the channel's buffer between the [`DandelionPoolService`] and [`DandelionPool`].
/// - `dandelion_router` is the router service, kept generic instead of [`DandelionRouter`](crate::DandelionRouter) to allow
/// user to customise routing functionality.
/// - `backing_pool` is the backing transaction storage service
/// - `config` is [`DandelionConfig`].
pub fn start_dandelion_pool<P, R, Tx, TxID, PID>(
buffer_size: usize,
dandelion_router: R,
backing_pool: P,
config: DandelionConfig,
) -> DandelionPoolService<Tx, TxID, PID>
Tx: Clone + Send + 'static,
TxID: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + 'static,
PID: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + 'static,
P: Service<
TxStoreRequest<Tx, TxID>,
Response = TxStoreResponse<Tx, TxID>,
Error = tower::BoxError,
> + Send
+ 'static,
P::Future: Send + 'static,
R: Service<DandelionRouteReq<Tx, PID>, Response = State, Error = DandelionRouterError>
+ Send
+ 'static,
R::Future: Send + 'static,
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(buffer_size);
let pool = DandelionPool {
routing_set: JoinSet::new(),
stem_origins: HashMap::new(),
embargo_timers: DelayQueue::new(),
embargo_dist: Exp::new(1.0 / config.average_embargo_timeout().as_secs_f64()).unwrap(),
_tx: PhantomData,
let span = tracing::debug_span!("dandelion_pool");
DandelionPoolService {
tx: PollSender::new(tx),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("The dandelion pool was shutdown")]
pub struct DandelionPoolShutDown;
/// An incoming transaction for the [`DandelionPool`] to handle.
/// Users may notice there is no way to check if the dandelion-pool wants a tx according to an inventory message like seen
/// in Bitcoin, only having a request for a full tx. Users should look in the *public* backing pool to handle inv messages,
/// and request txs even if they are in the stem pool.
pub struct IncomingTx<Tx, TxID, PID> {
/// The transaction.
/// It is recommended to put this in an [`Arc`](std::sync::Arc) as it needs to be cloned to send to the backing
/// tx pool and [`DandelionRouter`](crate::DandelionRouter)
pub tx: Tx,
/// The transaction ID.
pub tx_id: TxID,
/// The routing state of this transaction.
pub tx_state: TxState<PID>,
/// The dandelion tx pool service.
pub struct DandelionPoolService<Tx, TxID, PID> {
/// The channel to [`DandelionPool`].
tx: PollSender<(IncomingTx<Tx, TxID, PID>, oneshot::Sender<()>)>,
impl<Tx, TxID, PID> Service<IncomingTx<Tx, TxID, PID>> for DandelionPoolService<Tx, TxID, PID>
Tx: Clone + Send,
TxID: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + 'static,
PID: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + 'static,
type Response = ();
type Error = DandelionPoolShutDown;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
self.tx.poll_reserve(cx).map_err(|_| DandelionPoolShutDown)
fn call(&mut self, req: IncomingTx<Tx, TxID, PID>) -> Self::Future {
// although the channel isn't sending anything we want to wait for the request to be handled before continuing.
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let res = self
.send_item((req, tx))
.map_err(|_| DandelionPoolShutDown);
async move {
rx.await.expect("Oneshot dropped before response!");
/// The dandelion++ tx pool.
/// See the [module docs](self) for more.
pub struct DandelionPool<P, R, Tx, TxID, PID> {
/// The dandelion++ router
dandelion_router: R,
/// The backing tx storage.
backing_pool: P,
/// The set of tasks that are running the future returned from `dandelion_router`.
routing_set: JoinSet<(TxID, Result<State, TxState<PID>>)>,
/// The origin of stem transactions.
stem_origins: HashMap<TxID, HashSet<PID>>,
/// Current stem pool embargo timers.
embargo_timers: DelayQueue<TxID>,
/// The distrobution to sample to get embargo timers.
embargo_dist: Exp<f64>,
/// The d++ config.
config: DandelionConfig,
_tx: PhantomData<Tx>,
impl<P, R, Tx, TxID, PID> DandelionPool<P, R, Tx, TxID, PID>
Tx: Clone + Send,
TxID: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + 'static,
PID: Hash + Eq + Clone + Send + 'static,
P: Service<
TxStoreRequest<Tx, TxID>,
Response = TxStoreResponse<Tx, TxID>,
Error = tower::BoxError,
P::Future: Send + 'static,
R: Service<DandelionRouteReq<Tx, PID>, Response = State, Error = DandelionRouterError>,
R::Future: Send + 'static,
/// Stores the tx in the backing pools stem pool, setting the embargo timer, stem origin and steming the tx.
async fn store_tx_and_stem(
&mut self,
tx: Tx,
tx_id: TxID,
from: Option<PID>,
) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
let embargo_timer = self.embargo_dist.sample(&mut thread_rng());
"Setting embargo timer for stem tx: {} seconds.",
.insert(tx_id.clone(), Duration::from_secs_f64(embargo_timer));
self.stem_tx(tx, tx_id, from).await
/// Stems the tx, setting the stem origin, if it wasn't already set.
/// This function does not add the tx to the backing pool.
async fn stem_tx(
&mut self,
tx: Tx,
tx_id: TxID,
from: Option<PID>,
) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
if let Some(peer) = &from {
let state = from
.map(|from| TxState::Stem { from })
let fut = self
.call(DandelionRouteReq {
state: state.clone(),
.spawn(fut.map(|res| (tx_id, res.map_err(|_| state))));
/// Stores the tx in the backing pool and fluffs the tx, removing the stem data for this tx.
async fn store_and_fluff_tx(&mut self, tx: Tx, tx_id: TxID) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
// fluffs the tx first to prevent timing attacks where we could fluff at different average times
// depending on if the tx was in the stem pool already or not.
// Massively overkill but this is a minimal change.
self.fluff_tx(tx.clone(), tx_id.clone()).await?;
// Remove the tx from the maps used during the stem phase.
.call(TxStoreRequest::Store(tx, tx_id, State::Fluff))
// The key for this is *Not* the tx_id, it is given on insert, so just keep the timer in the
// map. These timers should be relatively short, so it shouldn't be a problem.
/// Fluffs a tx, does not add the tx to the tx pool.
async fn fluff_tx(&mut self, tx: Tx, tx_id: TxID) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
let fut = self
.call(DandelionRouteReq {
state: TxState::Fluff,
.spawn(fut.map(|res| (tx_id, res.map_err(|_| TxState::Fluff))));
/// Function to handle an incoming [`DandelionPoolRequest::IncomingTx`].
async fn handle_incoming_tx(
&mut self,
tx: Tx,
tx_state: TxState<PID>,
tx_id: TxID,
) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
let TxStoreResponse::Contains(have_tx) = self
else {
panic!("Backing tx pool responded with wrong response for request.");
// If we have already fluffed this tx then we don't need to do anything.
if have_tx == Some(State::Fluff) {
tracing::debug!("Already fluffed incoming tx, ignoring.");
return Ok(());
match tx_state {
TxState::Stem { from } => {
if self
.is_some_and(|peers| peers.contains(&from))
tracing::debug!("Received stem tx twice from same peer, fluffing it");
// The same peer sent us a tx twice, fluff it.
} else {
// This could be a new tx or it could have already been stemed, but we still stem it again
// unless the same peer sends us a tx twice.
tracing::debug!("Steming incoming tx");
self.store_tx_and_stem(tx, tx_id, Some(from)).await
TxState::Fluff => {
tracing::debug!("Fluffing incoming tx");
self.store_and_fluff_tx(tx, tx_id).await
TxState::Local => {
// If we have already stemed this tx then nothing to do.
if have_tx.is_some() {
tracing::debug!("Received a local tx that we already have, skipping");
return Ok(());
tracing::debug!("Steming local transaction");
self.store_tx_and_stem(tx, tx_id, None).await
/// Promotes a tx to the clear pool.
async fn promote_tx(&mut self, tx_id: TxID) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
// Remove the tx from the maps used during the stem phase.
// The key for this is *Not* the tx_id, it is given on insert, so just keep the timer in the
// map. These timers should be relatively short, so it shouldn't be a problem.
/// Promotes a tx to the public fluff pool and fluffs the tx.
async fn promote_and_fluff_tx(&mut self, tx_id: TxID) -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
tracing::debug!("Promoting transaction to public pool and fluffing it.");
let TxStoreResponse::Transaction(tx) = self
else {
panic!("Backing tx pool responded with wrong response for request.");
let Some((tx, state)) = tx else {
tracing::debug!("Could not find tx, skipping.");
return Ok(());
if state == State::Fluff {
tracing::debug!("Transaction already fluffed, skipping.");
return Ok(());
self.fluff_tx(tx, tx_id).await
/// Returns a tx stored in the fluff _OR_ stem pool.
async fn get_tx_from_pool(&mut self, tx_id: TxID) -> Result<Option<Tx>, tower::BoxError> {
let TxStoreResponse::Transaction(tx) = self
else {
panic!("Backing tx pool responded with wrong response for request.");
Ok(tx.map(|tx| tx.0))
/// Starts the [`DandelionPool`].
async fn run(
mut self,
mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<(IncomingTx<Tx, TxID, PID>, oneshot::Sender<()>)>,
) {
tracing::debug!("Starting dandelion++ tx-pool, config: {:?}", self.config);
// On start up we just fluff all txs left in the stem pool.
let Ok(TxStoreResponse::IDs(ids)) = (&mut self.backing_pool)
else {
tracing::error!("Failed to get transactions in stem pool.");
"Fluffing {} txs that are currently in the stem pool",
for id in ids {
if let Err(e) = self.promote_and_fluff_tx(id).await {
tracing::error!("Failed to fluff tx in the stem pool at start up, {e}.");
loop {
tracing::trace!("Waiting for next event.");
tokio::select! {
// biased to handle current txs before routing new ones.
Some(fired) = self.embargo_timers.next() => {
tracing::debug!("Embargo timer fired, did not see stem tx in time.");
let tx_id = fired.into_inner();
if let Err(e) = self.promote_and_fluff_tx(tx_id).await {
tracing::error!("Error handling fired embargo timer: {e}");
Some(Ok((tx_id, res))) = self.routing_set.join_next() => {
tracing::trace!("Received d++ routing result.");
let res = match res {
Ok(State::Fluff) => {
tracing::debug!("Transaction was fluffed upgrading it to the public pool.");
Err(tx_state) => {
tracing::debug!("Error routing transaction, trying again.");
match self.get_tx_from_pool(tx_id.clone()).await {
Ok(Some(tx)) => match tx_state {
TxState::Fluff => self.fluff_tx(tx, tx_id).await,
TxState::Stem { from } => self.stem_tx(tx, tx_id, Some(from)).await,
TxState::Local => self.stem_tx(tx, tx_id, None).await,
Err(e) => Err(e),
_ => continue,
Ok(State::Stem) => continue,
if let Err(e) = res {
tracing::error!("Error handling transaction routing return: {e}");
req = rx.recv() => {
tracing::debug!("Received new tx to route.");
let Some((IncomingTx { tx, tx_state, tx_id }, res_tx)) = req else {
if let Err(e) = self.handle_incoming_tx(tx, tx_state, tx_id).await {
let _ = res_tx.send(());
tracing::error!("Error handling transaction in dandelion pool: {e}");
let _ = res_tx.send(());