//! Test net zone. //! //! This module contains a test network zone, this network zone use channels as the network layer to simulate p2p //! communication. //! use std::{ fmt::Formatter, io::Error, net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, pin::Pin, }; use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use futures::Stream; use tokio::io::{DuplexStream, ReadHalf, WriteHalf}; use tokio_util::codec::{FramedRead, FramedWrite}; use cuprate_wire::{ network_address::{NetworkAddress, NetworkAddressIncorrectZone}, MoneroWireCodec, }; use cuprate_p2p_core::{NetZoneAddress, NetworkZone}; /// An address on the test network #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)] pub struct TestNetZoneAddr(pub u32); impl NetZoneAddress for TestNetZoneAddr { type BanID = Self; fn set_port(&mut self, _: u16) {} fn make_canonical(&mut self) {} fn ban_id(&self) -> Self::BanID { *self } fn should_add_to_peer_list(&self) -> bool { true } } impl std::fmt::Display for TestNetZoneAddr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str(format!("test client, id: {}", self.0).as_str()) } } impl From for NetworkAddress { fn from(value: TestNetZoneAddr) -> Self { Self::Clear(SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::from(value.0).into(), 18080)) } } impl TryFrom for TestNetZoneAddr { type Error = NetworkAddressIncorrectZone; fn try_from(value: NetworkAddress) -> Result { match value { NetworkAddress::Clear(soc) => match soc { SocketAddr::V4(v4) => Ok(Self(u32::from_be_bytes(v4.ip().octets()))), SocketAddr::V6(_) => panic!("None v4 address in test code"), }, } } } /// TODO #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TestNetZone; #[async_trait::async_trait] impl NetworkZone for TestNetZone { const NAME: &'static str = "Testing"; const SEEDS: &'static [Self::Addr] = &[]; const ALLOW_SYNC: bool = ALLOW_SYNC; const DANDELION_PP: bool = DANDELION_PP; const CHECK_NODE_ID: bool = CHECK_NODE_ID; type Addr = TestNetZoneAddr; type Stream = FramedRead, MoneroWireCodec>; type Sink = FramedWrite, MoneroWireCodec>; type Listener = Pin< Box< dyn Stream< Item = Result<(Option, Self::Stream, Self::Sink), std::io::Error>, > + Send + 'static, >, >; type ServerCfg = (); async fn connect_to_peer(_: Self::Addr) -> Result<(Self::Stream, Self::Sink), Error> { unimplemented!() } async fn incoming_connection_listener( _: Self::ServerCfg, _: u16, ) -> Result { unimplemented!() } }