use std::cmp::Ordering; use monero_serai::{ ringct::RctType, transaction::{Input, Output, Timelock, Transaction}, }; pub use cuprate_types::TxVersion; use crate::{ batch_verifier::BatchVerifier, blocks::penalty_free_zone, check_point_canonically_encoded, is_decomposed_amount, HardFork, }; mod contextual_data; mod ring_ct; mod ring_signatures; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; pub use contextual_data::*; pub use ring_ct::RingCTError; const MAX_BULLETPROOFS_OUTPUTS: usize = 16; const MAX_TX_BLOB_SIZE: usize = 1_000_000; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, thiserror::Error)] pub enum TransactionError { #[error("The transactions version is incorrect.")] TransactionVersionInvalid, #[error("The transactions is too big.")] TooBig, //-------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUTS #[error("Output is not a valid point.")] OutputNotValidPoint, #[error("The transaction has an invalid output type.")] OutputTypeInvalid, #[error("The transaction is v1 with a 0 amount output.")] ZeroOutputForV1, #[error("The transaction is v2 with a non 0 amount output.")] NonZeroOutputForV2, #[error("The transaction has an output which is not decomposed.")] AmountNotDecomposed, #[error("The transactions outputs overflow.")] OutputsOverflow, #[error("The transactions outputs too much.")] OutputsTooHigh, #[error("The transactions has too many outputs.")] InvalidNumberOfOutputs, //-------------------------------------------------------- INPUTS #[error("One or more inputs don't have the expected number of decoys.")] InputDoesNotHaveExpectedNumbDecoys, #[error("The transaction has more than one mixable input with unmixable inputs.")] MoreThanOneMixableInputWithUnmixable, #[error("The key-image is not in the prime sub-group.")] KeyImageIsNotInPrimeSubGroup, #[error("Key-image is already spent.")] KeyImageSpent, #[error("The input is not the expected type.")] IncorrectInputType, #[error("The transaction has a duplicate ring member.")] DuplicateRingMember, #[error("The transaction inputs are not ordered.")] InputsAreNotOrdered, #[error("The transaction spends a decoy which is too young.")] OneOrMoreRingMembersLocked, #[error("The transaction inputs overflow.")] InputsOverflow, #[error("The transaction has no inputs.")] NoInputs, #[error("Ring member not in database or is not valid.")] RingMemberNotFoundOrInvalid, //-------------------------------------------------------- Ring Signatures #[error("Ring signature incorrect.")] RingSignatureIncorrect, //-------------------------------------------------------- RingCT #[error("RingCT Error: {0}.")] RingCTError(#[from] RingCTError), } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUTS /// Checks the output keys are canonically encoded points. /// /// fn check_output_keys(outputs: &[Output]) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { for out in outputs { if !check_point_canonically_encoded(&out.key) { return Err(TransactionError::OutputNotValidPoint); } } Ok(()) } /// Checks the output types are allowed for the given hard-fork. /// /// This is also used during miner-tx verification. /// /// /// pub(crate) fn check_output_types(outputs: &[Output], hf: HardFork) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if hf == HardFork::V15 { for outs in { if outs[0].view_tag.is_some() != outs[1].view_tag.is_some() { return Err(TransactionError::OutputTypeInvalid); } } return Ok(()); } for out in outputs { if hf <= HardFork::V14 && out.view_tag.is_some() || hf >= HardFork::V16 && out.view_tag.is_none() { return Err(TransactionError::OutputTypeInvalid); } } Ok(()) } /// Checks the individual outputs amount for version 1 txs. /// /// ref: fn check_output_amount_v1(amount: u64, hf: HardFork) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if amount == 0 { return Err(TransactionError::ZeroOutputForV1); } if hf >= HardFork::V2 && !is_decomposed_amount(&amount) { return Err(TransactionError::AmountNotDecomposed); } Ok(()) } /// Checks the individual outputs amount for version 2 txs. /// /// ref: const fn check_output_amount_v2(amount: u64) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if amount == 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err(TransactionError::NonZeroOutputForV2) } } /// Sums the outputs, checking for overflow and other consensus rules. /// /// ref: /// && fn sum_outputs( outputs: &[Output], hf: HardFork, tx_version: TxVersion, ) -> Result { let mut sum: u64 = 0; for out in outputs { let raw_amount = out.amount.unwrap_or(0); match tx_version { TxVersion::RingSignatures => check_output_amount_v1(raw_amount, hf)?, TxVersion::RingCT => check_output_amount_v2(raw_amount)?, } sum = sum .checked_add(raw_amount) .ok_or(TransactionError::OutputsOverflow)?; } Ok(sum) } /// Checks the number of outputs is allowed. /// /// ref: /// && /// && fn check_number_of_outputs( outputs: usize, hf: HardFork, tx_version: TxVersion, bp_or_bpp: bool, ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if tx_version == TxVersion::RingSignatures { return Ok(()); } if hf >= HardFork::V12 && outputs < 2 { return Err(TransactionError::InvalidNumberOfOutputs); } if bp_or_bpp && outputs > MAX_BULLETPROOFS_OUTPUTS { Err(TransactionError::InvalidNumberOfOutputs) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Checks the outputs against all output consensus rules, returning the sum of the output amounts. /// /// ref: /// && /// && fn check_outputs_semantics( outputs: &[Output], hf: HardFork, tx_version: TxVersion, bp_or_bpp: bool, ) -> Result { check_output_types(outputs, hf)?; check_output_keys(outputs)?; check_number_of_outputs(outputs.len(), hf, tx_version, bp_or_bpp)?; sum_outputs(outputs, hf, tx_version) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME LOCKS /// Checks if an outputs unlock time has passed. /// /// pub const fn output_unlocked( time_lock: &Timelock, current_chain_height: usize, current_time_lock_timestamp: u64, hf: HardFork, ) -> bool { match *time_lock { Timelock::None => true, Timelock::Block(unlock_height) => { check_block_time_lock(unlock_height, current_chain_height) } Timelock::Time(unlock_time) => { check_timestamp_time_lock(unlock_time, current_time_lock_timestamp, hf) } } } /// Returns if a locked output, which uses a block height, can be spent. /// /// ref: const fn check_block_time_lock(unlock_height: usize, current_chain_height: usize) -> bool { // current_chain_height = 1 + top height unlock_height <= current_chain_height } /// Returns if a locked output, which uses a block height, can be spent. /// /// ref: const fn check_timestamp_time_lock( unlock_timestamp: u64, current_time_lock_timestamp: u64, hf: HardFork, ) -> bool { current_time_lock_timestamp + hf.block_time().as_secs() >= unlock_timestamp } /// Checks all the time locks are unlocked. /// /// `current_time_lock_timestamp` must be: /// /// /// fn check_all_time_locks( time_locks: &[Timelock], current_chain_height: usize, current_time_lock_timestamp: u64, hf: HardFork, ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { time_locks.iter().try_for_each(|time_lock| { if output_unlocked( time_lock, current_chain_height, current_time_lock_timestamp, hf, ) { Ok(()) } else { tracing::debug!("Transaction invalid: one or more inputs locked, lock: {time_lock:?}."); Err(TransactionError::OneOrMoreRingMembersLocked) } }) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUTS /// Checks the decoys are allowed. /// /// ref: /// && pub fn check_decoy_info(decoy_info: &DecoyInfo, hf: HardFork) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if hf == HardFork::V15 { // Hard-fork 15 allows both v14 and v16 rules return check_decoy_info(decoy_info, HardFork::V14) .or_else(|_| check_decoy_info(decoy_info, HardFork::V16)); } let current_minimum_decoys = minimum_decoys(hf); if decoy_info.min_decoys < current_minimum_decoys { // Only allow rings without enough decoys if there aren't enough decoys to mix with. if decoy_info.not_mixable == 0 { return Err(TransactionError::InputDoesNotHaveExpectedNumbDecoys); } // Only allow upto 1 mixable input with unmixable inputs. if decoy_info.mixable > 1 { return Err(TransactionError::MoreThanOneMixableInputWithUnmixable); } } else if hf >= HardFork::V8 && decoy_info.min_decoys != current_minimum_decoys { // From V8 enforce the minimum used number of rings is the default minimum. return Err(TransactionError::InputDoesNotHaveExpectedNumbDecoys); } // From v12 all inputs must have the same number of decoys. if hf >= HardFork::V12 && decoy_info.min_decoys != decoy_info.max_decoys { return Err(TransactionError::InputDoesNotHaveExpectedNumbDecoys); } Ok(()) } /// Checks the inputs key images for torsion. /// /// ref: fn check_key_images(input: &Input) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { match input { Input::ToKey { key_image, .. } => { // this happens in monero-serai but we may as well duplicate the check. if !key_image.is_torsion_free() { return Err(TransactionError::KeyImageIsNotInPrimeSubGroup); } } Input::Gen(_) => return Err(TransactionError::IncorrectInputType), } Ok(()) } /// Checks that the input is of type [`Input::ToKey`] aka `txin_to_key`. /// /// ref: const fn check_input_type(input: &Input) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { match input { Input::ToKey { .. } => Ok(()), Input::Gen(_) => Err(TransactionError::IncorrectInputType), } } /// Checks that the input has decoys. /// /// ref: fn check_input_has_decoys(input: &Input) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { match input { Input::ToKey { key_offsets, .. } => { if key_offsets.is_empty() { Err(TransactionError::InputDoesNotHaveExpectedNumbDecoys) } else { Ok(()) } } Input::Gen(_) => Err(TransactionError::IncorrectInputType), } } /// Checks that the ring members for the input are unique after hard-fork 6. /// /// ref: fn check_ring_members_unique(input: &Input, hf: HardFork) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if hf >= HardFork::V6 { match input { Input::ToKey { key_offsets, .. } => key_offsets.iter().skip(1).try_for_each(|offset| { if *offset == 0 { Err(TransactionError::DuplicateRingMember) } else { Ok(()) } }), Input::Gen(_) => Err(TransactionError::IncorrectInputType), } } else { Ok(()) } } /// Checks that from hf 7 the inputs are sorted by key image. /// /// ref: fn check_inputs_sorted(inputs: &[Input], hf: HardFork) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { let get_ki = |inp: &Input| match inp { Input::ToKey { key_image, .. } => Ok(key_image.compress().to_bytes()), Input::Gen(_) => Err(TransactionError::IncorrectInputType), }; if hf >= HardFork::V7 { for inps in { match get_ki(&inps[0])?.cmp(&get_ki(&inps[1])?) { Ordering::Greater => (), _ => return Err(TransactionError::InputsAreNotOrdered), } } } Ok(()) } /// Checks the youngest output is at least 10 blocks old. /// /// ref: fn check_10_block_lock( youngest_used_out_height: usize, current_chain_height: usize, hf: HardFork, ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if hf >= HardFork::V12 { if youngest_used_out_height + 10 > current_chain_height { tracing::debug!( "Transaction invalid: One or more ring members younger than 10 blocks." ); Err(TransactionError::OneOrMoreRingMembersLocked) } else { Ok(()) } } else { Ok(()) } } /// Sums the inputs checking for overflow. /// /// ref: fn sum_inputs_check_overflow(inputs: &[Input]) -> Result { let mut sum: u64 = 0; for inp in inputs { match inp { Input::ToKey { amount, .. } => { sum = sum .checked_add(amount.unwrap_or(0)) .ok_or(TransactionError::InputsOverflow)?; } Input::Gen(_) => return Err(TransactionError::IncorrectInputType), } } Ok(sum) } /// Checks the inputs semantically validity, returning the sum of the inputs. /// /// Semantic rules are rules that don't require blockchain context, the hard-fork does not require blockchain context as: /// - The tx-pool will use the current hard-fork /// - When syncing the hard-fork is in the block header. fn check_inputs_semantics(inputs: &[Input], hf: HardFork) -> Result { // if inputs.is_empty() { return Err(TransactionError::NoInputs); } for input in inputs { check_input_type(input)?; check_input_has_decoys(input)?; check_ring_members_unique(input, hf)?; } check_inputs_sorted(inputs, hf)?; sum_inputs_check_overflow(inputs) } /// Checks the inputs contextual validity. /// /// Contextual rules are rules that require blockchain context to check. /// /// This function does not check signatures or for duplicate key-images. fn check_inputs_contextual( inputs: &[Input], tx_ring_members_info: &TxRingMembersInfo, current_chain_height: usize, hf: HardFork, ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { // This rule is not contained in monero-core explicitly, but it is enforced by how Monero picks ring members. // When picking ring members monerod will only look in the DB at past blocks so an output has to be younger // than this transaction to be used in this tx. if tx_ring_members_info.youngest_used_out_height >= current_chain_height { tracing::debug!("Transaction invalid: One or more ring members too young."); return Err(TransactionError::OneOrMoreRingMembersLocked); } check_10_block_lock( tx_ring_members_info.youngest_used_out_height, current_chain_height, hf, )?; if let Some(decoys_info) = &tx_ring_members_info.decoy_info { check_decoy_info(decoys_info, hf)?; } else { assert_eq!(hf, HardFork::V1); } for input in inputs { check_key_images(input)?; } Ok(()) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL /// Checks the version is in the allowed range. /// /// fn check_tx_version( decoy_info: &Option, version: TxVersion, hf: HardFork, ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { if let Some(decoy_info) = decoy_info { let max = max_tx_version(hf); if version > max { return Err(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid); } let min = min_tx_version(hf); if version < min && decoy_info.not_mixable == 0 { return Err(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid); } } else { // This will only happen for hard-fork 1 when only RingSignatures are allowed. if version != TxVersion::RingSignatures { return Err(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid); } } Ok(()) } /// Returns the default maximum tx version for the given hard-fork. fn max_tx_version(hf: HardFork) -> TxVersion { if hf <= HardFork::V3 { TxVersion::RingSignatures } else { TxVersion::RingCT } } /// Returns the default minimum tx version for the given hard-fork. fn min_tx_version(hf: HardFork) -> TxVersion { if hf >= HardFork::V6 { TxVersion::RingCT } else { TxVersion::RingSignatures } } fn transaction_weight_limit(hf: HardFork) -> usize { penalty_free_zone(hf) / 2 - 600 } /// Checks the transaction is semantically valid. /// /// Semantic rules are rules that don't require blockchain context, the hard-fork does not require blockchain context as: /// - The tx-pool will use the current hard-fork /// - When syncing the hard-fork is in the block header. /// /// To fully verify a transaction this must be accompanied by [`check_transaction_contextual`] /// pub fn check_transaction_semantic( tx: &Transaction, tx_blob_size: usize, tx_weight: usize, tx_hash: &[u8; 32], hf: HardFork, verifier: impl BatchVerifier, ) -> Result { // if tx_blob_size > MAX_TX_BLOB_SIZE || (hf >= HardFork::V8 && tx_weight > transaction_weight_limit(hf)) { return Err(TransactionError::TooBig); } let tx_version = TxVersion::from_raw(tx.version()).ok_or(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid)?; let bp_or_bpp = match tx { Transaction::V2 { proofs: Some(proofs), .. } => match proofs.rct_type() { RctType::AggregateMlsagBorromean | RctType::MlsagBorromean => false, RctType::MlsagBulletproofs | RctType::MlsagBulletproofsCompactAmount | RctType::ClsagBulletproof | RctType::ClsagBulletproofPlus => true, }, Transaction::V2 { proofs: None, .. } | Transaction::V1 { .. } => false, }; let outputs_sum = check_outputs_semantics(&tx.prefix().outputs, hf, tx_version, bp_or_bpp)?; let inputs_sum = check_inputs_semantics(&tx.prefix().inputs, hf)?; let fee = match tx { Transaction::V1 { .. } => { if outputs_sum >= inputs_sum { return Err(TransactionError::OutputsTooHigh); } inputs_sum - outputs_sum } Transaction::V2 { proofs, .. } => { let proofs = proofs .as_ref() .ok_or(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid)?; ring_ct::ring_ct_semantic_checks(proofs, tx_hash, verifier, hf)?; proofs.base.fee } }; Ok(fee) } /// Checks the transaction is contextually valid. /// /// To fully verify a transaction this must be accompanied by [`check_transaction_semantic`]. /// /// This function also does _not_ check for duplicate key-images: . /// /// `current_time_lock_timestamp` must be: . pub fn check_transaction_contextual( tx: &Transaction, tx_ring_members_info: &TxRingMembersInfo, current_chain_height: usize, current_time_lock_timestamp: u64, hf: HardFork, ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { let tx_version = TxVersion::from_raw(tx.version()).ok_or(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid)?; check_inputs_contextual( &tx.prefix().inputs, tx_ring_members_info, current_chain_height, hf, )?; check_tx_version(&tx_ring_members_info.decoy_info, tx_version, hf)?; check_all_time_locks( &tx_ring_members_info.time_locked_outs, current_chain_height, current_time_lock_timestamp, hf, )?; match &tx { Transaction::V1 { prefix, signatures } => ring_signatures::check_input_signatures( &prefix.inputs, signatures, &tx_ring_members_info.rings, // This will only return None on v2 miner txs. &tx.signature_hash() .ok_or(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid)?, ), Transaction::V2 { prefix, proofs } => Ok(ring_ct::check_input_signatures( &tx.signature_hash() .ok_or(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid)?, &prefix.inputs, proofs .as_ref() .ok_or(TransactionError::TransactionVersionInvalid)?, &tx_ring_members_info.rings, )?), } }