Cuprate's blockchain database. This documentation is mostly for practical usage of `cuprate_blockchain`. For a high-level overview, see the database section in [Cuprate's architecture book]( If you're looking for a database crate, consider using the lower-level [`cuprate-database`]( crate that this crate is built on-top of. # Purpose This crate does 3 things: 1. Uses [`cuprate_database`] as a base database layer 1. Implements various `Monero` related [operations](ops), [tables], and [types] 1. Exposes a [`tower::Service`] backed by a thread-pool Each layer builds on-top of the previous. As a user of `cuprate_blockchain`, consider using the higher-level [`service`] module, or at the very least the [`ops`] module instead of interacting with the `cuprate_database` traits directly. # `cuprate_database` Consider reading `cuprate_database`'s crate documentation before this crate, as it is the first layer. If/when this crate needs is used, be sure to use the version that this crate re-exports, e.g.: ```rust use cuprate_blockchain::{ cuprate_database::RuntimeError, }; ``` This ensures the types/traits used from `cuprate_database` are the same ones used by `cuprate_blockchain` internally. # Feature flags Different database backends are enabled by the feature flags: - `heed` (LMDB) - `redb` The default is `heed`. `tracing` is always enabled and cannot be disabled via feature-flag. <!-- FIXME: tracing should be behind a feature flag --> # Invariants when not using `service` `cuprate_blockchain` can be used without the `service` module but there are some things that must be kept in mind when doing so. Failing to uphold these invariants may cause panics. 1. `LMDB` requires the user to resize the memory map resizing (see [`cuprate_database::RuntimeError::ResizeNeeded`] 1. `LMDB` has a maximum reader transaction count, currently, [it is set to `126`]( 1. `LMDB` has [maximum key/value byte size]( which must not be exceeded # Examples The below is an example of using `cuprate_blockchain`'s lowest API, i.e. using a mix of this crate and `cuprate_database`'s traits directly - **this is NOT recommended.** For examples of the higher-level APIs, see: - [`ops`] - [`service`] ```rust use cuprate_blockchain::{ cuprate_database::{ ConcreteEnv, Env, EnvInner, DatabaseRo, DatabaseRw, TxRo, TxRw, }, config::ConfigBuilder, tables::{Tables, TablesMut, OpenTables}, }; # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { // Create a configuration for the database environment. let tmp_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let db_dir = tmp_dir.path().to_owned(); let config = ConfigBuilder::new() .data_directory(db_dir.into()) .build(); // Initialize the database environment. let env = cuprate_blockchain::open(config)?; // Open up a transaction + tables for writing. let env_inner = env.env_inner(); let tx_rw = env_inner.tx_rw()?; let mut tables = env_inner.open_tables_mut(&tx_rw)?; // ⚠️ Write data to the tables directly. // (not recommended, use `ops` or `service`). const KEY_IMAGE: [u8; 32] = [88; 32]; tables.key_images_mut().put(&KEY_IMAGE, &())?; // Commit the data written. drop(tables); TxRw::commit(tx_rw)?; // Read the data, assert it is correct. let tx_ro = env_inner.tx_ro()?; let tables = env_inner.open_tables(&tx_ro)?; let (key_image, _) = tables.key_images().first()?; assert_eq!(key_image, KEY_IMAGE); # Ok(()) } ```