use std::{ future::Future, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use futures::FutureExt; use monero_serai::block::Block; use monero_serai::transaction::Input; use tower::{Service, ServiceExt}; use monero_consensus::{ blocks::{calculate_pow_hash, check_block, check_block_pow, BlockError, RandomX}, miner_tx::MinerTxError, ConsensusError, HardFork, }; use crate::{ context::{BlockChainContextRequest, BlockChainContextResponse}, transactions::{TransactionVerificationData, VerifyTxRequest, VerifyTxResponse}, ExtendedConsensusError, TxNotInPool, TxPoolRequest, TxPoolResponse, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PrePreparedBlockExPOW { pub block: Block, pub block_blob: Vec, pub hf_vote: HardFork, pub hf_version: HardFork, pub block_hash: [u8; 32], pub miner_tx_weight: usize, } impl PrePreparedBlockExPOW { pub fn new(block: Block) -> Result { let (hf_version, hf_vote) = HardFork::from_block_header(&block.header).map_err(BlockError::HardForkError)?; Ok(PrePreparedBlockExPOW { block_blob: block.serialize(), hf_vote, hf_version, block_hash: block.hash(), miner_tx_weight: block.miner_tx.weight(), block, }) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PrePreparedBlock { pub block: Block, pub block_blob: Vec, pub hf_vote: HardFork, pub hf_version: HardFork, pub block_hash: [u8; 32], pub pow_hash: [u8; 32], pub miner_tx_weight: usize, } impl PrePreparedBlock { pub fn new(block: Block) -> Result { struct DummyRX; impl RandomX for DummyRX { type Error = (); fn calculate_hash(&self, _: &[u8]) -> Result<[u8; 32], Self::Error> { panic!("DummyRX cant calculate hash") } } let (hf_version, hf_vote) = HardFork::from_block_header(&block.header).map_err(BlockError::HardForkError)?; let Some(Input::Gen(height)) = block.miner_tx.prefix.inputs.first() else { Err(ConsensusError::Block(BlockError::MinerTxError( MinerTxError::InputNotOfTypeGen, )))? }; Ok(PrePreparedBlock { block_blob: block.serialize(), hf_vote, hf_version, block_hash: block.hash(), pow_hash: calculate_pow_hash::( None, &block.serialize_hashable(), *height, &hf_version, )?, miner_tx_weight: block.miner_tx.weight(), block, }) } pub fn new_rx( block: PrePreparedBlockExPOW, randomx_vm: &R, ) -> Result { let Some(Input::Gen(height)) = block.block.miner_tx.prefix.inputs.first() else { Err(ConsensusError::Block(BlockError::MinerTxError( MinerTxError::InputNotOfTypeGen, )))? }; Ok(PrePreparedBlock { block_blob: block.block_blob, hf_vote: block.hf_vote, hf_version: block.hf_version, block_hash: block.block_hash, pow_hash: calculate_pow_hash( Some(randomx_vm), &block.block.serialize_hashable(), *height, &block.hf_version, )?, miner_tx_weight: block.block.miner_tx.weight(), block: block.block, }) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct VerifiedBlockInformation { pub block: Block, pub hf_vote: HardFork, pub txs: Vec>, pub block_hash: [u8; 32], pub pow_hash: [u8; 32], pub height: u64, pub generated_coins: u64, pub weight: usize, pub long_term_weight: usize, pub cumulative_difficulty: u128, } pub enum VerifyBlockRequest { MainChain(Block), MainChainPrepared(PrePreparedBlock), } pub enum VerifyBlockResponse { MainChain(VerifiedBlockInformation), } // TODO: it is probably a bad idea for this to derive clone, if 2 places (RPC, P2P) receive valid but different blocks // then they will both get approved but only one should go to main chain. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct BlockVerifierService { context_svc: C, tx_verifier_svc: TxV, tx_pool: TxP, } impl BlockVerifierService where C: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, TxV: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, TxP: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, { pub fn new( context_svc: C, tx_verifier_svc: TxV, tx_pool: TxP, ) -> BlockVerifierService { BlockVerifierService { context_svc, tx_verifier_svc, tx_pool, } } } impl Service for BlockVerifierService where C: Service< BlockChainContextRequest, Response = BlockChainContextResponse, Error = tower::BoxError, > + Clone + Send + 'static, C::Future: Send + 'static, TxV: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, TxV::Future: Send + 'static, TxP: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, TxP::Future: Send + 'static, { type Response = VerifyBlockResponse; type Error = ExtendedConsensusError; type Future = Pin> + Send + 'static>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn call(&mut self, req: VerifyBlockRequest) -> Self::Future { let context_svc = self.context_svc.clone(); let tx_verifier_svc = self.tx_verifier_svc.clone(); let tx_pool = self.tx_pool.clone(); async move { match req { VerifyBlockRequest::MainChain(block) => { verify_main_chain_block(block, context_svc, tx_verifier_svc, tx_pool).await } VerifyBlockRequest::MainChainPrepared(prepped_block) => { verify_main_chain_block_prepared( prepped_block, context_svc, tx_verifier_svc, tx_pool, ) .await } } } .boxed() } } async fn verify_main_chain_block_prepared( prepped_block: PrePreparedBlock, context_svc: C, tx_verifier_svc: TxV, tx_pool: TxP, ) -> Result where C: Service< BlockChainContextRequest, Response = BlockChainContextResponse, Error = tower::BoxError, > + Send + 'static, C::Future: Send + 'static, TxV: Service, TxP: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, { tracing::debug!("getting blockchain context"); let BlockChainContextResponse::Context(checked_context) = context_svc .oneshot(BlockChainContextRequest::Get) .await .map_err(Into::::into)? else { panic!("Context service returned wrong response!"); }; let context = checked_context.unchecked_blockchain_context().clone(); tracing::debug!("got blockchain context: {:?}", context); let TxPoolResponse::Transactions(txs) = tx_pool .oneshot(TxPoolRequest::Transactions(prepped_block.block.txs.clone())) .await?; tx_verifier_svc .oneshot(VerifyTxRequest::Block { txs: txs.clone(), current_chain_height: context.chain_height, time_for_time_lock: context.current_adjusted_timestamp_for_time_lock(), hf: context.current_hf, re_org_token: context.re_org_token.clone(), }) .await?; let block_weight = prepped_block.miner_tx_weight + txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.tx_weight).sum::(); let total_fees = txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.fee).sum::(); let (hf_vote, generated_coins) = check_block( &prepped_block.block, total_fees, block_weight, prepped_block.block_blob.len(), &context.context_to_verify_block, ) .map_err(ConsensusError::Block)?; check_block_pow(&prepped_block.pow_hash, context.next_difficulty) .map_err(ConsensusError::Block)?; Ok(VerifyBlockResponse::MainChain(VerifiedBlockInformation { block_hash: prepped_block.block_hash, block: prepped_block.block, txs, pow_hash: prepped_block.pow_hash, generated_coins, weight: block_weight, height: context.chain_height, long_term_weight: context.next_block_long_term_weight(block_weight), hf_vote, cumulative_difficulty: context.cumulative_difficulty + context.next_difficulty, })) } async fn verify_main_chain_block( _block: Block, _context_svc: C, _tx_verifier_svc: TxV, _tx_pool: TxP, ) -> Result where C: Service< BlockChainContextRequest, Response = BlockChainContextResponse, Error = tower::BoxError, > + Send + 'static, C::Future: Send + 'static, TxV: Service, TxP: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, { todo!("Single main chain block."); /* tracing::debug!("getting blockchain context"); let BlockChainContextResponse::Context(checked_context) = context_svc .oneshot(BlockChainContextRequest::Get) .await .map_err(Into::::into)? else { panic!("Context service returned wrong response!"); }; let context = checked_context.unchecked_blockchain_context().clone(); tracing::debug!("got blockchain context: {:?}", context); let TxPoolResponse::Transactions(txs) = tx_pool .oneshot(TxPoolRequest::Transactions(block.txs.clone())) .await?; tx_verifier_svc .oneshot(VerifyTxRequest::Block { txs: txs.clone(), current_chain_height: context.chain_height, time_for_time_lock: context.current_adjusted_timestamp_for_time_lock(), hf: context.current_hf, re_org_token: context.re_org_token.clone(), }) .await?; let block_weight = block.miner_tx.weight() + txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.tx_weight).sum::(); let total_fees = txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.fee).sum::(); let (hf_vote, generated_coins) = check_block( &block, total_fees, block_weight, block.serialize().len(), &context.context_to_verify_block, ) .map_err(ConsensusError::Block)?; let hashing_blob = block.serialize_hashable(); // do POW test last let chain_height = context.chain_height; let current_hf = context.current_hf; let pow_hash = todo!(); /* rayon_spawn_async(move || calculate_pow_hash(, &hashing_blob, chain_height, ¤t_hf)) .await .map_err(ConsensusError::Block)?; */ check_block_pow(&pow_hash, context.next_difficulty).map_err(ConsensusError::Block)?; Ok(VerifyBlockResponse::MainChain(VerifiedBlockInformation { block_hash: block.hash(), block, txs, pow_hash, generated_coins, weight: block_weight, height: context.chain_height, long_term_weight: context.next_block_long_term_weight(block_weight), hf_vote, cumulative_difficulty: context.cumulative_difficulty + context.next_difficulty, })) */ }