diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/block.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/block.rs
index 83d04ba7..07878d55 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/block.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/block.rs
@@ -1,16 +1,35 @@
-use crate::ops::alt_block::{
-    add_alt_transaction_blob, check_add_alt_chain_info, get_alt_chain_history_ranges,
-    get_alt_transaction,
-use crate::ops::block::{get_block_extended_header_from_height, get_block_info};
-use crate::tables::{Tables, TablesMut};
-use crate::types::{AltBlockHeight, BlockHash, BlockHeight, CompactAltBlockInfo};
 use bytemuck::TransparentWrapper;
+use monero_serai::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
 use cuprate_database::{DatabaseRo, DatabaseRw, RuntimeError, StorableVec};
 use cuprate_helper::map::{combine_low_high_bits_to_u128, split_u128_into_low_high_bits};
 use cuprate_types::{AltBlockInformation, Chain, ChainId, ExtendedBlockHeader, HardFork};
-use monero_serai::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
+use crate::{
+    ops::{
+        alt_block::{add_alt_transaction_blob, get_alt_transaction, update_alt_chain_info},
+        block::get_block_info,
+        macros::doc_error,
+    },
+    tables::{Tables, TablesMut},
+    types::{AltBlockHeight, BlockHash, BlockHeight, CompactAltBlockInfo},
+/// Add a [`AltBlockInformation`] to the database.
+/// This extracts all the data from the input block and
+/// maps/adds them to the appropriate database tables.
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
+/// # Panics
+/// This function will panic if:
+/// - `block.height` is == `0`
+/// # Already exists
+/// This function will operate normally even if `block` already
+/// exists, i.e., this function will not return `Err` even if you
+/// call this function infinitely with the same block.
 pub fn add_alt_block(
     alt_block: &AltBlockInformation,
     tables: &mut impl TablesMut,
@@ -24,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn add_alt_block(
         .put(&alt_block.block_hash, &alt_block_height)?;
-    check_add_alt_chain_info(&alt_block_height, &alt_block.block.header.previous, tables)?;
+    update_alt_chain_info(&alt_block_height, &alt_block.block.header.previous, tables)?;
     let (cumulative_difficulty_low, cumulative_difficulty_high) =
@@ -49,13 +68,18 @@ pub fn add_alt_block(
     assert_eq!(alt_block.txs.len(), alt_block.block.transactions.len());
-    for tx in alt_block.txs.iter() {
+    for tx in &alt_block.txs {
         add_alt_transaction_blob(tx, tables)?;
+/// Retrieves an [`AltBlockInformation`] from the database.
+/// This function will look at only the blocks with the given [`AltBlockHeight::chain_id`], no others
+/// even if they are technically part of this chain.
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
 pub fn get_alt_block(
     alt_block_height: &AltBlockHeight,
     tables: &impl Tables,
@@ -89,13 +113,21 @@ pub fn get_alt_block(
+/// Retrieves the hash of the block at the given `block_height` on the alt chain with
+/// the given [`ChainId`].
+/// This function will get blocks from the whole chain, for example if you were to ask for height
+/// `0` with any [`ChainId`] (as long that chain actually exists) you will get the main chain genesis.
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
 pub fn get_alt_block_hash(
     block_height: &BlockHeight,
     alt_chain: ChainId,
-    tables: &mut impl Tables,
+    tables: &impl Tables,
 ) -> Result<BlockHash, RuntimeError> {
     let alt_chains = tables.alt_chain_infos();
+    // First find what [`ChainId`] this block would be stored under.
     let original_chain = {
         let mut chain = alt_chain.into();
         loop {
@@ -115,9 +147,10 @@ pub fn get_alt_block_hash(
+    // Get the block hash.
     match original_chain {
         Chain::Main => {
-            get_block_info(&block_height, tables.block_infos()).map(|info| info.block_hash)
+            get_block_info(block_height, tables.block_infos()).map(|info| info.block_hash)
         Chain::Alt(chain_id) => tables
@@ -129,37 +162,12 @@ pub fn get_alt_block_hash(
-pub fn get_alt_extended_headers_in_range(
-    range: std::ops::Range<BlockHeight>,
-    alt_chain: ChainId,
-    tables: &impl Tables,
-) -> Result<Vec<ExtendedBlockHeader>, RuntimeError> {
-    // TODO: this function does not use rayon, however it probably should.
-    let alt_chains = tables.alt_chain_infos();
-    let ranges = get_alt_chain_history_ranges(range, alt_chain, alt_chains)?;
-    let res = ranges
-        .into_iter()
-        .rev()
-        .map(|(chain, range)| {
-            range.into_iter().map(move |height| match chain {
-                Chain::Main => get_block_extended_header_from_height(&height, tables),
-                Chain::Alt(chain_id) => get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height(
-                    &AltBlockHeight {
-                        chain_id: chain_id.into(),
-                        height,
-                    },
-                    tables,
-                ),
-            })
-        })
-        .flatten()
-        .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
-    Ok(res)
+/// Retrieves the [`ExtendedBlockHeader`] of the alt-block with an exact [`AltBlockHeight`].
+/// This function will look at only the blocks with the given [`AltBlockHeight::chain_id`], no others
+/// even if they are technically part of this chain.
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
 pub fn get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height(
     height: &AltBlockHeight,
     table: &impl Tables,
@@ -171,7 +179,8 @@ pub fn get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height(
     let block_header = BlockHeader::read(&mut block_blob.as_slice())?;
     Ok(ExtendedBlockHeader {
-        version: HardFork::from_version(block_header.hardfork_version).expect("Block in DB must have correct version"),
+        version: HardFork::from_version(block_header.hardfork_version)
+            .expect("Block in DB must have correct version"),
         vote: block_header.hardfork_version,
         timestamp: block_header.timestamp,
         cumulative_difficulty: combine_low_high_bits_to_u128(
@@ -186,22 +195,33 @@ pub fn get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height(
 mod tests {
     use std::num::NonZero;
-    use cuprate_database::{Env, EnvInner, TxRw};
-    use cuprate_test_utils::data::{BLOCK_V1_TX2, BLOCK_V9_TX3, BLOCK_V16_TX0};
-    use cuprate_types::ChainId;
-    use crate::ops::alt_block::{add_alt_block, flush_alt_blocks, get_alt_block, get_alt_extended_headers_in_range};
-    use crate::ops::block::{add_block, pop_block};
-    use crate::tables::OpenTables;
-    use crate::tests::{assert_all_tables_are_empty, map_verified_block_to_alt, tmp_concrete_env};
-    use crate::types::AltBlockHeight;
+    use cuprate_database::{Env, EnvInner, TxRw};
+    use cuprate_test_utils::data::{BLOCK_V16_TX0, BLOCK_V1_TX2, BLOCK_V9_TX3};
+    use cuprate_types::{Chain, ChainId};
+    use crate::{
+        ops::{
+            alt_block::{
+                add_alt_block, flush_alt_blocks, get_alt_block,
+                get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height, get_alt_block_hash,
+                get_alt_chain_history_ranges,
+            },
+            block::{add_block, pop_block},
+        },
+        tables::{OpenTables, Tables},
+        tests::{assert_all_tables_are_empty, map_verified_block_to_alt, tmp_concrete_env},
+        types::AltBlockHeight,
+    };
+    #[allow(clippy::range_plus_one)]
     fn all_alt_blocks() {
         let (env, _tmp) = tmp_concrete_env();
         let env_inner = env.env_inner();
-        let chain_id = ChainId(NonZero::new(1).unwrap()).into();
+        let chain_id = ChainId(NonZero::new(1).unwrap());
         // Add initial block.
@@ -245,25 +265,44 @@ mod tests {
                 let alt_block_2 = get_alt_block(&alt_height, &tables).unwrap();
                 assert_eq!(alt_block.block, alt_block_2.block);
-                let headers = get_alt_extended_headers_in_range(0..(height + 1), chain_id, &tables).unwrap();
-                assert_eq!(headers.len(), height);
+                let headers = get_alt_chain_history_ranges(
+                    0..(height + 1),
+                    chain_id,
+                    tables.alt_chain_infos(),
+                )
+                .unwrap();
-                let last_header = headers.last().unwrap();
-                assert_eq!(last_header.timestamp, alt_block.block.header.timestamp);
-                assert_eq!(last_header.block_weight, alt_block.weight);
-                assert_eq!(last_header.long_term_weight, alt_block.long_term_weight);
-                assert_eq!(last_header.cumulative_difficulty, alt_block.cumulative_difficulty);
-                assert_eq!(last_header.version.as_u8(), alt_block.block.header.hardfork_version);
-                assert_eq!(last_header.vote, alt_block.block.header.hardfork_signal);
+                assert_eq!(headers.len(), 2);
+                assert_eq!(headers[1], (Chain::Main, 0..1));
+                assert_eq!(headers[0], (Chain::Alt(chain_id), 1..(height + 1)));
                 prev_hash = alt_block.block_hash;
+                let header =
+                    get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height(&alt_height, &tables).unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(header.timestamp, alt_block.block.header.timestamp);
+                assert_eq!(header.block_weight, alt_block.weight);
+                assert_eq!(header.long_term_weight, alt_block.long_term_weight);
+                assert_eq!(
+                    header.cumulative_difficulty,
+                    alt_block.cumulative_difficulty
+                );
+                assert_eq!(
+                    header.version.as_u8(),
+                    alt_block.block.header.hardfork_version
+                );
+                assert_eq!(header.vote, alt_block.block.header.hardfork_signal);
+                let block_hash = get_alt_block_hash(&height, chain_id, &tables).unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(block_hash, alt_block.block_hash);
             let mut tx_rw = env_inner.tx_rw().unwrap();
@@ -278,5 +317,4 @@ mod tests {
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/chain.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/chain.rs
index 166a294a..3e27d7d4 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/chain.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/chain.rs
@@ -1,20 +1,43 @@
-use crate::tables::{AltChainInfos, TablesMut};
-use crate::types::{AltBlockHeight, AltChainInfo, BlockHash, BlockHeight};
-use cuprate_database::{DatabaseRo, DatabaseRw, RuntimeError};
-use cuprate_types::{Chain, ChainId};
 use std::cmp::max;
-pub fn check_add_alt_chain_info(
+use cuprate_database::{DatabaseRo, DatabaseRw, RuntimeError};
+use cuprate_types::{Chain, ChainId};
+use crate::{
+    ops::macros::{doc_add_alt_block_inner_invariant, doc_error},
+    tables::{AltChainInfos, TablesMut},
+    types::{AltBlockHeight, AltChainInfo, BlockHash, BlockHeight},
+/// Updates the [`AltChainInfo`] with information on a new alt-block.
+#[doc = doc_add_alt_block_inner_invariant!()]
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
+/// # Panics
+/// This will panic if [`AltBlockHeight::height`] == `0`.
+pub fn update_alt_chain_info(
     alt_block_height: &AltBlockHeight,
     prev_hash: &BlockHash,
     tables: &mut impl TablesMut,
 ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
-    match tables.alt_chain_infos().get(&alt_block_height.chain_id) {
-        Ok(_) => return Ok(()),
+    // try update the info if one exists for this chain.
+    let update = tables
+        .alt_chain_infos_mut()
+        .update(&alt_block_height.chain_id, |mut info| {
+            info.chain_height = alt_block_height.height + 1;
+            Some(info)
+        });
+    match update {
+        Ok(()) => return Ok(()),
         Err(RuntimeError::KeyNotFound) => (),
         Err(e) => return Err(e),
+    // If one doesn't already exist add it.
     let parent_chain = match tables.alt_block_heights().get(prev_hash) {
         Ok(alt_parent_height) => Chain::Alt(alt_parent_height.chain_id.into()),
         Err(RuntimeError::KeyNotFound) => Chain::Main,
@@ -25,12 +48,18 @@ pub fn check_add_alt_chain_info(
         &AltChainInfo {
             parent_chain: parent_chain.into(),
-            common_ancestor_height: alt_block_height.height - 1,
-            chain_height: alt_block_height.height,
+            common_ancestor_height: alt_block_height.height.checked_sub(1).unwrap(),
+            chain_height: alt_block_height.height + 1,
+/// Get the height history of an alt-chain in reverse chronological order.
+/// Height history is a list of height ranges with the corresponding [`Chain`] they are stored under.
+/// For example if your range goes from height `0` the last entry in the list will be [`Chain::Main`]
+/// upto the height where the first split occurs.
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
 pub fn get_alt_chain_history_ranges(
     range: std::ops::Range<BlockHeight>,
     alt_chain: ChainId,
@@ -46,7 +75,7 @@ pub fn get_alt_chain_history_ranges(
         let start_height = max(range.start, chain_info.common_ancestor_height + 1);
         ranges.push((Chain::Alt(current_chain_id.into()), start_height..i));
-        i = chain_info.common_ancestor_height;
+        i = chain_info.common_ancestor_height + 1;
         match chain_info.parent_chain.into() {
             Chain::Main => {
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/mod.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/mod.rs
index 72e0933e..36e4768e 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/mod.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/mod.rs
@@ -1,11 +1,62 @@
-mod block;
-mod chain;
-mod tx;
+//! Alternative Block/Chain Ops
+//! Alternative chains are chains that potentially have more proof-of-work than the main-chain
+//! which we are tracking to potentially re-org to.
+//! Cuprate uses an ID system for alt-chains. When a split is made from the main-chain we generate
+//! a random [`ChainID`](cuprate_types::ChainId) and assign it to the chain:
+//! ```text
+//!      |
+//!      |
+//!      |   split
+//!      |-------------
+//!      |            |
+//!      |            |
+//!     \|/          \|/
+//!  main-chain    ChainID(X)
+//! ```
+//! In that example if we were to receive an alt-block which immediately follows the top block of `ChainID(X)`
+//! then that block will also be stored under `ChainID(X)`. However if it follows from another block from `ChainID(X)`
+//! we will split into a chain with a different ID.
+//! ```text
+//!      |
+//!      |
+//!      |   split
+//!      |-------------
+//!      |            |   split
+//!      |            |-------------|
+//!      |            |             |
+//!      |            |             |
+//!      |            |             |
+//!     \|/          \|/           \|/
+//!  main-chain    ChainID(X)    ChainID(Z)
+//! ```
+//! As you can see if we wanted to get all the alt-blocks in `ChainID(Z)` that now includes some blocks from `ChainID(X)` as well.
+//! [`get_alt_chain_history_ranges`] covers this and is the method to get the ranges of heights needed from each [`ChainID`](cuprate_types::ChainId)
+//! to get all the alt-blocks in a given [`ChainID`](cuprate_types::ChainId).
+//! Although this should be kept in mind as a possibility because Cuprate's block downloader will only track a single chain it is
+//! unlikely that we will be tracking [`ChainID`](cuprate_types::ChainId) that don't immediately connect to the main-chain.
+//! ## Why not use block's previous field?
+//! Although that would be easier, it makes getting a range of block extremely slow, as we have to build the weight cache to verify
+//! blocks, roughly 100,000 block headers needed, this cost was seen as too high.
 pub use block::*;
 pub use chain::*;
 pub use tx::*;
+mod block;
+mod chain;
+mod tx;
+/// Flush all alt-block data from all the alt-block tables.
+/// This function completely empties the alt block tables.
 pub fn flush_alt_blocks<'a, E: cuprate_database::EnvInner<'a>>(
     env_inner: &E,
     tx_rw: &mut E::Rw<'_>,
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/tx.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/tx.rs
index a49c72ae..5671e4b4 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/tx.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/alt_block/tx.rs
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
-use crate::tables::{Tables, TablesMut};
-use crate::types::{AltTransactionInfo, TxHash};
 use bytemuck::TransparentWrapper;
-use cuprate_database::{DatabaseRo, DatabaseRw, RuntimeError, StorableVec};
-use cuprate_types::VerifiedTransactionInformation;
 use monero_serai::transaction::Transaction;
+use cuprate_database::{DatabaseRo, DatabaseRw, RuntimeError, StorableVec};
+use cuprate_types::VerifiedTransactionInformation;
+use crate::ops::macros::{doc_add_alt_block_inner_invariant, doc_error};
+use crate::tables::{Tables, TablesMut};
+use crate::types::{AltTransactionInfo, TxHash};
+/// Adds a [`VerifiedTransactionInformation`] form an alt-block to the DB, if
+/// that transaction is not already in the DB.
+/// If the transaction is in the main-chain this function will still fill in the
+/// [`AltTransactionInfos`](crate::tables::AltTransactionInfos) table, as that
+/// table holds data which we don't keep around for main-chain txs.
+#[doc = doc_add_alt_block_inner_invariant!()]
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
 pub fn add_alt_transaction_blob(
     tx: &VerifiedTransactionInformation,
     tables: &mut impl TablesMut,
@@ -29,6 +41,9 @@ pub fn add_alt_transaction_blob(
         .put(&tx.tx_hash, StorableVec::wrap_ref(&tx.tx_blob))
+/// Retrieve a [`VerifiedTransactionInformation`] from the database.
+#[doc = doc_error!()]
 pub fn get_alt_transaction(
     tx_hash: &TxHash,
     tables: &impl Tables,
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/block.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/block.rs
index b0997f76..45bab41c 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/block.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/block.rs
@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@ use crate::{
 /// This function will panic if:
 /// - `block.height > u32::MAX` (not normally possible)
 /// - `block.height` is not != [`chain_height`]
-/// # Already exists
-/// This function will operate normally even if `block` already
-/// exists, i.e., this function will not return `Err` even if you
-/// call this function infinitely with the same block.
 // no inline, too big.
 pub fn add_block(
     block: &VerifiedBlockInformation,
@@ -133,6 +128,9 @@ pub fn add_block(
 /// Remove the top/latest block from the database.
 /// The removed block's data is returned.
+/// If a [`ChainId`] is specified the popped block will be added to the alt block tables under
+/// that [`ChainId`]. Otherwise, the block will be completely removed from the DB.
 #[doc = doc_error!()]
 /// In `pop_block()`'s case, [`RuntimeError::KeyNotFound`]
@@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ pub fn pop_block(
                 tx_hash: tx.hash(),
                 fee: tx_fee(&tx),
-            })
+            });
@@ -180,11 +178,16 @@ pub fn pop_block(
                 block_hash: block_info.block_hash,
+                // We know the PoW is valid for this block so just set it so it will always verify as
+                // valid.
                 pow_hash: [0; 32],
                 height: block_height,
                 weight: block_info.weight,
                 long_term_weight: block_info.long_term_weight,
-                cumulative_difficulty: 0,
+                cumulative_difficulty: combine_low_high_bits_to_u128(
+                    block_info.cumulative_difficulty_low,
+                    block_info.cumulative_difficulty_high,
+                ),
@@ -229,8 +232,6 @@ pub fn get_block_extended_header_from_height(
-    // INVARIANT: #[cfg] @ lib.rs asserts `usize == u64`
-    #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)]
     Ok(ExtendedBlockHeader {
         version: HardFork::from_version(block_header.hardfork_version)
@@ -302,14 +303,14 @@ mod test {
     use cuprate_database::{Env, EnvInner, TxRw};
     use cuprate_test_utils::data::{BLOCK_V16_TX0, BLOCK_V1_TX2, BLOCK_V9_TX3};
-    use super::*;
     use crate::{
         ops::tx::{get_tx, tx_exists},
         tests::{assert_all_tables_are_empty, tmp_concrete_env, AssertTableLen},
+    use super::*;
     /// Tests all above block functions.
     /// Note that this doesn't test the correctness of values added, as the
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/macros.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/macros.rs
index b7cdba47..e547c7f2 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/ops/macros.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/ops/macros.rs
@@ -31,3 +31,24 @@ When calling this function, ensure that either:
 pub(super) use doc_add_block_inner_invariant;
+// This is pretty much the same as [`doc_add_block_inner_invariant`], it's not worth the effort to reduce
+// the duplication.
+/// Generate `# Invariant` documentation for internal alt block `fn`'s
+/// that should be called directly with caution.
+macro_rules! doc_add_alt_block_inner_invariant {
+    () => {
+            r#"# ⚠️ Invariant ⚠️
+This function mainly exists to be used internally by the parent function [`crate::ops::alt_block::add_alt_block`].
+`add_alt_block()` makes sure all data related to the input is mutated, while
+this function _does not_, it specifically mutates _particular_ tables.
+This is usually undesired - although this function is still available to call directly.
+When calling this function, ensure that either:
+1. This effect (incomplete database mutation) is what is desired, or that...
+2. ...the other tables will also be mutated to a correct state"#
+    };
+pub(super) use doc_add_alt_block_inner_invariant;
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/service/read.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/service/read.rs
index 70da01b3..416e6137 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/service/read.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/service/read.rs
@@ -1,28 +1,32 @@
 //! Database reader thread-pool definitions and logic.
-//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
 use std::{
     collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
+//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
 use rayon::{
     iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator},
+    prelude::*,
 use thread_local::ThreadLocal;
 use cuprate_database::{ConcreteEnv, DatabaseRo, Env, EnvInner, RuntimeError};
-use cuprate_database_service::{init_thread_pool, DatabaseReadService, ReaderThreads};
+use cuprate_database_service::{DatabaseReadService, init_thread_pool, ReaderThreads};
 use cuprate_helper::map::combine_low_high_bits_to_u128;
 use cuprate_types::{
     blockchain::{BlockchainReadRequest, BlockchainResponse},
-    Chain, ExtendedBlockHeader, OutputOnChain,
+    Chain, ChainId, ExtendedBlockHeader, OutputOnChain,
 use crate::{
-        alt_block::{get_alt_block_hash, get_alt_extended_headers_in_range},
+        alt_block::{
+            get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height, get_alt_block_hash,
+            get_alt_chain_history_ranges,
+        },
             block_exists, get_block_extended_header_from_height, get_block_height, get_block_info,
@@ -35,8 +39,11 @@ use crate::{
         types::{BlockchainReadHandle, ResponseResult},
     tables::{AltBlockHeights, BlockHeights, BlockInfos, OpenTables, Tables},
-    types::{Amount, AmountIndex, BlockHash, BlockHeight, KeyImage, PreRctOutputId},
+    types::{
+        AltBlockHeight, Amount, AmountIndex, BlockHash, BlockHeight, KeyImage, PreRctOutputId,
+    },
+use crate::ops::alt_block::get_alt_block;
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- init_read_service
 /// Initialize the [`BlockchainReadHandle`] thread-pool backed by [`rayon`].
@@ -100,6 +107,7 @@ fn map_request(
         R::KeyImagesSpent(set) => key_images_spent(env, set),
         R::CompactChainHistory => compact_chain_history(env),
         R::FindFirstUnknown(block_ids) => find_first_unknown(env, &block_ids),
+        R::AltBlocksInChain(chain_id) => alt_blocks_in_chain(env, chain_id),
     /* SOMEDAY: post-request handling, run some code for each request? */
@@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ fn block_hash(env: &ConcreteEnv, block_height: BlockHeight, chain: Chain) -> Res
     let block_hash = match chain {
         Chain::Main => get_block_info(&block_height, &table_block_infos)?.block_hash,
         Chain::Alt(chain) => {
-            get_alt_block_hash(&block_height, chain, &mut env_inner.open_tables(&tx_ro)?)?
+            get_alt_block_hash(&block_height, chain, &env_inner.open_tables(&tx_ro)?)?
@@ -283,12 +291,36 @@ fn block_extended_header_in_range(
             .collect::<Result<Vec<ExtendedBlockHeader>, RuntimeError>>()?,
         Chain::Alt(chain_id) => {
-            let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
-            get_alt_extended_headers_in_range(
-                range,
-                chain_id,
-                get_tables!(env_inner, tx_ro, tables)?.as_ref(),
-            )?
+            let ranges = {
+                let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
+                let tables = get_tables!(env_inner, tx_ro, tables)?.as_ref();
+                let alt_chains = tables.alt_chain_infos();
+                get_alt_chain_history_ranges(range, chain_id, alt_chains)?
+            };
+            ranges
+                .par_iter()
+                .rev()
+                .map(|(chain, range)| {
+                    range.clone().into_par_iter().map(|height| {
+                        let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
+                        let tables = get_tables!(env_inner, tx_ro, tables)?.as_ref();
+                        match *chain {
+                            Chain::Main => get_block_extended_header_from_height(&height, tables),
+                            Chain::Alt(chain_id) => get_alt_block_extended_header_from_height(
+                                &AltBlockHeight {
+                                    chain_id: chain_id.into(),
+                                    height,
+                                },
+                                tables,
+                            ),
+                        }
+                    })
+                })
+                .flatten()
+                .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
@@ -524,3 +556,45 @@ fn find_first_unknown(env: &ConcreteEnv, block_ids: &[BlockHash]) -> ResponseRes
         BlockchainResponse::FindFirstUnknown(Some((idx, last_known_height + 1)))
+/// [`BlockchainReadRequest::AltBlocksInChain`]
+fn alt_blocks_in_chain(env: &ConcreteEnv, chain_id: ChainId) -> ResponseResult {
+    // Prepare tx/tables in `ThreadLocal`.
+    let env_inner = env.env_inner();
+    let tx_ro = thread_local(env);
+    let tables = thread_local(env);
+    // Get the history of this alt-chain.
+    let history = {
+        let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
+        let tables = get_tables!(env_inner, tx_ro, tables)?.as_ref();
+        get_alt_chain_history_ranges(0..usize::MAX, chain_id, tables.alt_chain_infos())?
+    };
+    // Get all the blocks until we join the main-chain.
+    let blocks = history
+        .par_iter()
+        .rev()
+        .skip(1)
+        .flat_map(|(chain_id, range)| {
+            let Chain::Alt(chain_id) = chain_id else {
+                panic!("Should not have main chain blocks here we skipped last range");
+            };
+            range.clone().into_par_iter().map(|height| {
+                let tx_ro = tx_ro.get_or_try(|| env_inner.tx_ro())?;
+                let tables = get_tables!(env_inner, tx_ro, tables)?.as_ref();
+                get_alt_block(
+                    &AltBlockHeight {
+                        chain_id: (*chain_id).into(),
+                        height,
+                    },
+                    tables,
+                )
+            })
+        })
+        .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
+    Ok(BlockchainResponse::AltBlocksInChain(blocks))
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/service/write.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/service/write.rs
index 95124d41..849a3030 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/service/write.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/service/write.rs
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ use cuprate_types::{
     AltBlockInformation, Chain, ChainId, VerifiedBlockInformation,
-use crate::service::free::map_valid_alt_block_to_verified_block;
-use crate::types::AltBlockHeight;
 use crate::{
-    service::types::{BlockchainWriteHandle, ResponseResult},
+    service::{
+        free::map_valid_alt_block_to_verified_block,
+        types::{BlockchainWriteHandle, ResponseResult},
+    },
     tables::{OpenTables, Tables, TablesMut},
-    types::AltChainInfo,
+    types::{AltBlockHeight, AltChainInfo},
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- init_write_service
@@ -106,19 +107,23 @@ fn pop_blocks(env: &ConcreteEnv, numb_blocks: usize) -> ResponseResult {
     let env_inner = env.env_inner();
     let mut tx_rw = env_inner.tx_rw()?;
+    // TODO: try blocks
     let result = {
+        // flush all the current alt blocks as they may reference blocks to be popped.
         crate::ops::alt_block::flush_alt_blocks(&env_inner, &mut tx_rw)?;
         let mut tables_mut = env_inner.open_tables_mut(&tx_rw)?;
+        // generate a `ChainId` for the popped blocks.
         let old_main_chain_id = ChainId(rand::random());
+        // pop the blocks
         let mut last_block_height = 0;
         for _ in 0..numb_blocks {
             (last_block_height, _, _) =
                 crate::ops::block::pop_block(Some(old_main_chain_id), &mut tables_mut)?;
+        // Update the alt_chain_info with the correct information.
             &AltChainInfo {
@@ -155,11 +160,14 @@ fn reverse_reorg(env: &ConcreteEnv, chain_id: ChainId) -> ResponseResult {
         let mut tables_mut = env_inner.open_tables_mut(&tx_rw)?;
         let chain_info = tables_mut.alt_chain_infos().get(&chain_id.into())?;
+        // Although this doesn't guarantee the chain was popped from the main-chain, it's an easy
+        // thing for us to check.
         assert_eq!(Chain::from(chain_info.parent_chain), Chain::Main);
         let tob_block_height =
+        // pop any blocks that were added as part of a re-org.
         for _ in chain_info.common_ancestor_height..tob_block_height {
             crate::ops::block::pop_block(None, &mut tables_mut)?;
@@ -177,6 +185,7 @@ fn reverse_reorg(env: &ConcreteEnv, chain_id: ChainId) -> ResponseResult {
+        // Add the old main chain blocks back to the main chain.
         for res_alt_block in alt_blocks {
             let alt_block = res_alt_block?;
diff --git a/storage/blockchain/src/tests.rs b/storage/blockchain/src/tests.rs
index 60239127..d57a3715 100644
--- a/storage/blockchain/src/tests.rs
+++ b/storage/blockchain/src/tests.rs
@@ -90,7 +90,10 @@ pub(crate) fn assert_all_tables_are_empty(env: &ConcreteEnv) {
     assert_eq!(crate::ops::tx::get_num_tx(tables.tx_ids()).unwrap(), 0);
-pub(crate) fn map_verified_block_to_alt(verified_block: VerifiedBlockInformation, chain_id: ChainId) -> AltBlockInformation {
+pub(crate) fn map_verified_block_to_alt(
+    verified_block: VerifiedBlockInformation,
+    chain_id: ChainId,
+) -> AltBlockInformation {
     AltBlockInformation {
         block: verified_block.block,
         block_blob: verified_block.block_blob,
@@ -103,4 +106,4 @@ pub(crate) fn map_verified_block_to_alt(verified_block: VerifiedBlockInformation
         cumulative_difficulty: verified_block.cumulative_difficulty,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/types/src/blockchain.rs b/types/src/blockchain.rs
index c2a5517d..9f79c3a3 100644
--- a/types/src/blockchain.rs
+++ b/types/src/blockchain.rs
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
 //! Tests that assert particular requests lead to particular
 //! responses are also tested in Cuprate's blockchain database crate.
-//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
-use crate::types::{Chain, ExtendedBlockHeader, OutputOnChain, VerifiedBlockInformation};
-use crate::{AltBlockInformation, ChainId};
 use std::{
     collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
+use crate::{AltBlockInformation, ChainId};
+//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
+use crate::types::{Chain, ExtendedBlockHeader, OutputOnChain, VerifiedBlockInformation};
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadRequest
 /// A read request to the blockchain database.
@@ -92,12 +93,14 @@ pub enum BlockchainReadRequest {
     /// A request to find the first unknown block ID in a list of block IDs.
-    ////
+    ///
     /// # Invariant
     /// The [`Vec`] containing the block IDs must be sorted in chronological block
     /// order, or else the returned response is unspecified and meaningless,
     /// as this request performs a binary search.
     FindFirstUnknown(Vec<[u8; 32]>),
+    /// A request for all alt blocks in the chain with the given [`ChainId`].
+    AltBlocksInChain(ChainId),
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteRequest
@@ -120,12 +123,14 @@ pub enum BlockchainWriteRequest {
     /// Input is the amount of blocks to pop.
-    /// This request flush all alt-chains from the cache before adding the popped blocks to the alt cache.
+    /// This request flushes all alt-chains from the cache before adding the popped blocks to the
+    /// alt cache.
     /// A request to reverse the re-org process.
     /// The inner value is the [`ChainId`] of the old main chain.
+    /// # Invariant
     /// It is invalid to call this with a [`ChainId`] that was not returned from [`BlockchainWriteRequest::PopBlocks`].
     /// A request to flush all alternative blocks.
@@ -215,6 +220,11 @@ pub enum BlockchainResponse {
     /// This will be [`None`] if all blocks were known.
     FindFirstUnknown(Option<(usize, usize)>),
+    /// The response for [`BlockchainReadRequest::AltBlocksInChain`].
+    ///
+    /// Contains all the alt blocks in the alt-chain in chronological order.
+    AltBlocksInChain(Vec<AltBlockInformation>),
     //------------------------------------------------------ Writes
     /// A generic Ok response to indicate a request was successfully handled.