mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 08:09:03 +00:00
10 changed files with 0 additions and 2617 deletions
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
name = "cuprate-database"
version = "0.0.1"
edition = "2021"
license = "AGPL-3.0-only"
# All Contributors on github
"SyntheticBird45 <@someoneelse495495:matrix.org>",
mdbx = ["dep:libmdbx"]
hse = []
monero = {workspace = true, features = ["serde"]}
tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0", features = ["sha3"] }
serde = { workspace = true}
thiserror = {workspace = true }
bincode = { workspace = true }
libmdbx = { version = "0.3.1", optional = true }
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Copyright (C) 2023 Cuprate Contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
//! ### Encoding module
//! The encoding module contains a trait that permit compatibility between `monero-rs` consensus encoding/decoding logic and `bincode` traits.
//! The database tables only accept types that implement [`bincode::Encode`] and [`bincode::Decode`] and since we can't implement these on `monero-rs` types directly
//! we use a wrapper struct `Compat<T>` that permit us to use `monero-rs`'s `consensus_encode`/`consensus_decode` functions under bincode traits.
//! The choice of using `bincode` comes from performance measurement at encoding. Sometimes `bincode` implementations was 5 times faster than `monero-rs` impl.
use bincode::{de::read::Reader, enc::write::Writer};
use monero::consensus::{Decodable, Encodable};
use std::{fmt::Debug, io::Read, ops::Deref};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// A single-tuple struct, used to contains monero-rs types that implement [`monero::consensus::Encodable`] and [`monero::consensus::Decodable`]
pub struct Compat<T: Encodable + Decodable>(pub T);
/// A wrapper around a [`bincode::de::read::Reader`] type. Permit us to use [`std::io::Read`] and feed monero-rs functions with an actual `&[u8]`
pub struct ReaderCompat<'src, R: Reader>(pub &'src mut R);
// Actual implementation of `std::io::read` for `bincode`'s `Reader` types
impl<'src, R: Reader> Read for ReaderCompat<'src, R> {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
.map_err(|_| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "bincode reader Error"))?;
// Convenient implementation. `Deref` and `From`
impl<T: Encodable + Decodable> Deref for Compat<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T: Encodable + Decodable> From<T> for Compat<T> {
fn from(value: T) -> Self {
// TODO: Investigate specialization optimization
// Implementation of `bincode::Decode` for monero-rs `Decodable` type
impl<T: Encodable + Decodable + Debug> bincode::Decode for Compat<T> {
fn decode<D: bincode::de::Decoder>(
decoder: &mut D,
) -> Result<Self, bincode::error::DecodeError> {
Decodable::consensus_decode(&mut ReaderCompat(decoder.reader()))
.map_err(|_| bincode::error::DecodeError::Other("Monero-rs decoding failed"))?,
// Implementation of `bincode::BorrowDecode` for monero-rs `Decodable` type
impl<'de, T: Encodable + Decodable + Debug> bincode::BorrowDecode<'de> for Compat<T> {
fn borrow_decode<D: bincode::de::BorrowDecoder<'de>>(
decoder: &mut D,
) -> Result<Self, bincode::error::DecodeError> {
Decodable::consensus_decode(&mut ReaderCompat(decoder.borrow_reader()))
.map_err(|_| bincode::error::DecodeError::Other("Monero-rs decoding failed"))?,
// Implementation of `bincode::Encode` for monero-rs `Encodable` type
impl<T: Encodable + Decodable + Debug> bincode::Encode for Compat<T> {
fn encode<E: bincode::enc::Encoder>(
encoder: &mut E,
) -> Result<(), bincode::error::EncodeError> {
let writer = encoder.writer();
let buf = monero::consensus::serialize(&self.0);
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
//! ### Error module
//! This module contains all errors abstraction used by the database crate. By implementing [`From<E>`] to the specific errors of storage engine crates, it let us
//! handle more easily any type of error that can happen. This module does **NOT** contain interpretation of these errors, as these are defined for Blockchain abstraction. This is another difference
//! from monerod which interpret these errors directly in its database functions:
//! ```cpp
//! /**
//! * @brief A base class for BlockchainDB exceptions
//! */
//! class DB_EXCEPTION : public std::exception
//! ```
//! see `blockchain_db/blockchain_db.h` in monerod `src/` folder for more details.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
/// `DB_FAILURES` is an enum for backend-agnostic, internal database errors. The `From` Trait must be implemented to the specific backend errors to match DB_FAILURES.
pub enum DB_FAILURES {
#[error("MDBX returned an error {0}")]
MDBX_Error(#[from] libmdbx::Error),
#[error("\n<DB_FAILURES::EncodingError> Failed to encode some data : `{0}`")]
#[error("\nObject already exist in the database : {0}")]
AlreadyExist(&'static str),
#[error("NotFound? {0}")]
NotFound(&'static str),
#[error("\n<DB_FAILURES::Other> `{0}`")]
Other(&'static str),
"\n<DB_FAILURES::FailedToCommit> A transaction tried to commit to the db, but failed."
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum DB_SERIAL {
#[error("An object failed to be serialized into bytes. It is likely an issue from monero-rs library. Please report this error on cuprate's github : https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/issues")]
#[error("Bytes failed to be deserialized into the requested object. It is likely an issue from monero-rs library. Please report this error on cuprate's github : https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/issues")]
#[error("monero-rs encoding|decoding logic failed : {0}")]
MoneroEncode(#[from] monero::consensus::encode::Error),
#[error("Bincode failed to decode a type from the database : {0}")]
BincodeDecode(#[from] bincode::error::DecodeError),
#[error("Bincode failed to encode a type for the database : {0}")]
BincodeEncode(#[from] bincode::error::EncodeError),
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/* There is nothing here as no wrapper exist for HSE yet */
/* KVS supported functions :
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2023 Cuprate Contributors
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! The cuprate-db crate implement (as its name suggests) the relations between the blockchain/txpool objects and their databases.
//! `lib.rs` contains all the generics, trait and specification for interfaces between blockchain and a backend-agnostic database
//! Every other files in this folder are implementation of these traits/methods to real storage engine.
//! At the moment, the only storage engine available is MDBX.
//! The next storage engine planned is HSE (Heteregeonous Storage Engine) from Micron.
//! For more information, please consult this docs:
#![deny(clippy::expect_used, clippy::panic)]
#![allow(dead_code, unused_macros)] // temporary
use monero::{util::ringct::RctSig, Block, BlockHeader, Hash};
use std::ops::Range;
use thiserror::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "mdbx")]
pub mod mdbx;
//#[cfg(feature = "hse")]
//pub mod hse;
pub mod encoding;
pub mod error;
pub mod interface;
pub mod table;
pub mod types;
const DEFAULT_TXPOOL_DATABASE_DIRECTORY: &str = "txpool_mem";
const BINCODE_CONFIG: bincode::config::Configuration<
> = bincode::config::standard().with_fixed_int_encoding();
// ------------------------------------------| Database |------------------------------------------
pub mod database {
//! This module contains the Database abstraction trait. Any key/value storage engine implemented need
//! to fulfil these associated types and functions, in order to be usable. This module also contains the
//! Interface struct which is used by the DB Reactor to interact with the database.
use crate::{
transaction::{Transaction, WriteTransaction},
use std::{ops::Deref, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
/// `Database` Trait implement all the methods necessary to generate transactions as well as execute specific functions. It also implement generic associated types to identify the
/// different transaction modes (read & write) and it's native errors.
pub trait Database<'a> {
type TX: Transaction<'a>;
type TXMut: WriteTransaction<'a>;
type Error: Into<DB_FAILURES>;
// Create a transaction from the database
fn tx(&'a self) -> Result<Self::TX, Self::Error>;
// Create a mutable transaction from the database
fn tx_mut(&'a self) -> Result<Self::TXMut, Self::Error>;
// Open a database from the specified path
fn open(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
Self: std::marker::Sized;
// Check if the database is built.
fn check_all_tables_exist(&'a self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
// Build the database
fn build(&'a self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// `Interface` is a struct containing a shared pointer to the database and transaction's to be used for the implemented method of Interface.
pub struct Interface<'a, D: Database<'a>> {
pub db: Arc<D>,
pub tx: Option<<D as Database<'a>>::TXMut>,
// Convenient implementations for database
impl<'service, D: Database<'service>> Interface<'service, D> {
fn from(db: Arc<D>) -> Result<Self, DB_FAILURES> {
Ok(Self { db, tx: None })
fn open(&'service mut self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let tx = self.db.tx_mut().map_err(Into::into)?;
self.tx = Some(tx);
impl<'service, D: Database<'service>> Deref for Interface<'service, D> {
type Target = <D as Database<'service>>::TXMut;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
return self.tx.as_ref().unwrap();
// ------------------------------------------| DatabaseTx |------------------------------------------
pub mod transaction {
//! This module contains the abstractions of Transactional Key/Value database functions.
//! Any key/value database/storage engine can be implemented easily for Cuprate as long as
//! these functions or equivalent logic exist for it.
use crate::{
table::{DupTable, Table},
// Abstraction of a read-only cursor, for simple tables
pub trait Cursor<'t, T: Table> {
fn first(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn get_cursor(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn last(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn prev(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn set(&mut self, key: &T::Key) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, DB_FAILURES>;
// Abstraction of a read-only cursor with support for duplicated tables. DupCursor inherit Cursor methods as
// a duplicated table can be treated as a simple table.
pub trait DupCursor<'t, T: DupTable>: Cursor<'t, T> {
fn first_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::SubKey, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn get_dup(
&mut self,
key: &T::Key,
subkey: &T::SubKey,
) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn last_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::SubKey, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn next_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, (T::SubKey, T::Value))>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn prev_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, (T::SubKey, T::Value))>, DB_FAILURES>;
// Abstraction of a read-write cursor, for simple tables. WriteCursor inherit Cursor methods.
pub trait WriteCursor<'t, T: Table>: Cursor<'t, T> {
fn put_cursor(&mut self, key: &T::Key, value: &T::Value) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
fn del(&mut self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
// Abstraction of a read-write cursor with support for duplicated tables. DupWriteCursor inherit DupCursor and WriteCursor methods.
pub trait DupWriteCursor<'t, T: DupTable>: WriteCursor<'t, T> {
fn put_cursor_dup(
&mut self,
key: &T::Key,
subkey: &T::SubKey,
value: &T::Value,
) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
/// Delete all data under associated to its key
fn del_nodup(&mut self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
// Abstraction of a read-only transaction.
pub trait Transaction<'a>: Send + Sync {
type Cursor<T: Table>: Cursor<'a, T>;
type DupCursor<T: DupTable>: DupCursor<'a, T> + Cursor<'a, T>;
fn get<T: Table>(&self, key: &T::Key) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn commit(self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
fn cursor<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<Self::Cursor<T>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn cursor_dup<T: DupTable>(&self) -> Result<Self::DupCursor<T>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn num_entries<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<usize, DB_FAILURES>;
// Abstraction of a read-write transaction. WriteTransaction inherits Transaction methods.
pub trait WriteTransaction<'a>: Transaction<'a> {
type WriteCursor<T: Table>: WriteCursor<'a, T>;
type DupWriteCursor<T: DupTable>: DupWriteCursor<'a, T> + DupCursor<'a, T>;
fn put<T: Table>(&self, key: &T::Key, value: &T::Value) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
fn delete<T: Table>(
key: &T::Key,
value: &Option<T::Value>,
) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
fn clear<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES>;
fn write_cursor<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<Self::WriteCursor<T>, DB_FAILURES>;
fn write_cursor_dup<T: DupTable>(&self) -> Result<Self::DupWriteCursor<T>, DB_FAILURES>;
@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
//! ### MDBX implementation
//! This module contains the implementation of all the database traits for the MDBX storage engine.
//! This include basic transactions methods, cursors and errors conversion.
use crate::{
table::{self, DupTable, Table},
transaction::{Transaction, WriteTransaction},
use libmdbx::{
Cursor, DatabaseFlags, DatabaseKind, Geometry, Mode, PageSize, SyncMode, TableFlags,
TransactionKind, WriteFlags, RO, RW,
use std::ops::Range;
// Constant used in mdbx implementation
const MDBX_DEFAULT_SYNC_MODE: SyncMode = SyncMode::Durable;
const MDBX_MAX_MAP_SIZE: usize = 4 * 1024usize.pow(3); // 4TB
const MDBX_GROWTH_STEP: isize = 100 * 1024isize.pow(2); // 100MB
const MDBX_PAGE_SIZE: Option<PageSize> = None;
const MDBX_GEOMETRY: Geometry<Range<usize>> = Geometry {
size: Some(0..MDBX_MAX_MAP_SIZE),
growth_step: Some(MDBX_GROWTH_STEP),
shrink_threshold: None,
page_size: MDBX_PAGE_SIZE,
/// [`mdbx_decode`] is a function which the supplied bytes will be deserialized using `bincode::decode_from_slice(src, BINCODE_CONFIG)`
/// function. Return `Err(DB_FAILURES::SerializeIssue(DB_SERIAL::BincodeDecode(err)))` if it failed to decode the value. It is used for clarity purpose.
fn mdbx_decode<T: bincode::Decode>(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(T, usize), DB_FAILURES> {
bincode::decode_from_slice(src, BINCODE_CONFIG)
.map_err(|e| DB_FAILURES::SerializeIssue(DB_SERIAL::BincodeDecode(e)))
/// [`mdbx_encode`] is a function that serialize a given value into a vector using `bincode::encode_to_vec(src, BINCODE_CONFIG)`
/// function. Return `Err(DB_FAILURES::SerializeIssue(DB_SERIAL::BincodeEncode(err)))` if it failed to encode the value. It is used for clarity purpose.
fn mdbx_encode<T: bincode::Encode>(src: &T) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DB_FAILURES> {
bincode::encode_to_vec(src, BINCODE_CONFIG)
.map_err(|e| DB_FAILURES::SerializeIssue(DB_SERIAL::BincodeEncode(e)))
/// [`mdbx_open_table`] is a simple function used for syntax clarity. It try to open the table, and return a `DB_FAILURES` if it failed.
fn mdbx_open_table<'db, K: TransactionKind, E: DatabaseKind, T: Table>(
tx: &'db libmdbx::Transaction<'db, K, E>,
) -> Result<libmdbx::Table, DB_FAILURES> {
/// [`cursor_pair_decode`] is a function defining a conditional return used in (almost) every cursor functions. If a pair of key/value effectively exist from the cursor,
/// the two values are decoded using `mdbx_decode` function. Return `Err(DB_FAILURES::SerializeIssue(DB_SERIAL::BincodeEncode(err)))` if it failed to encode the value.
/// It is used for clarity purpose.
fn cursor_pair_decode<L: bincode::Decode, R: bincode::Decode>(
pair: Option<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>,
) -> Result<Option<(L, R)>, DB_FAILURES> {
if let Some(pair) = pair {
let decoded_key = mdbx_decode(pair.0.as_slice())?;
let decoded_value = mdbx_decode(pair.1.as_slice())?;
Ok(Some((decoded_key.0, decoded_value.0)))
} else {
// Implementation of the database trait with mdbx types
impl<'a, E> Database<'a> for libmdbx::Database<E>
E: DatabaseKind,
type TX = libmdbx::Transaction<'a, RO, E>;
type TXMut = libmdbx::Transaction<'a, RW, E>;
type Error = libmdbx::Error;
// Open a Read-Only transaction
fn tx(&'a self) -> Result<Self::TX, Self::Error> {
// Open a Read-Write transaction
fn tx_mut(&'a self) -> Result<Self::TXMut, Self::Error> {
// Open the database with the given path
fn open(path: std::path::PathBuf) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let db: libmdbx::Database<E> = libmdbx::Database::new()
.set_flags(DatabaseFlags::from(Mode::ReadWrite {
// Open each tables to verify if the database is complete.
fn check_all_tables_exist(&'a self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let ro_tx = self.begin_ro_txn()?;
// ----- BLOCKS -----
// ------ TXNs ------
// ---- OUTPUTS -----
// ---- SPT KEYS ----
// --- PROPERTIES ---
// Construct the table of the database
fn build(&'a self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let rw_tx = self.begin_rw_txn()?;
// Constructing the tables
// ----- BLOCKS -----
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
rw_tx.create_table(Some(table::blocks::TABLE_NAME), TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY)?;
rw_tx.create_table(Some(table::altblock::TABLE_NAME), TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY)?;
// ------ TXNs ------
rw_tx.create_table(Some(table::txspruned::TABLE_NAME), TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY)?;
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
// ---- OUTPUTS -----
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
// ---- SPT KEYS ----
TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY | TableFlags::DUP_FIXED | TableFlags::DUP_SORT,
// --- PROPERTIES ---
rw_tx.create_table(Some(table::properties::TABLE_NAME), TableFlags::INTEGER_KEY)?;
// Implementation of the Cursor trait for mdbx's Cursors
impl<'a, T, R> crate::transaction::Cursor<'a, T> for Cursor<'a, R>
T: Table,
R: TransactionKind,
fn first(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.first::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
fn get_cursor(
&mut self,
) -> Result<Option<(<T as Table>::Key, <T as Table>::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.get_current::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
fn last(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(<T as Table>::Key, <T as Table>::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.last::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(<T as Table>::Key, <T as Table>::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.next::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
fn prev(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(<T as Table>::Key, <T as Table>::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.prev::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
fn set(&mut self, key: &T::Key) -> Result<Option<<T as Table>::Value>, DB_FAILURES> {
let encoded_key = mdbx_encode(key)?;
let value = self
if let Some(value) = value {
return Ok(Some(mdbx_decode(value.as_slice())?.0));
// Implementation of the DupCursor trait for mdbx's Cursors
impl<'t, T, R> crate::transaction::DupCursor<'t, T> for Cursor<'t, R>
R: TransactionKind,
T: DupTable,
fn first_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::SubKey, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let value = self
if let Some(value) = value {
return Ok(Some(mdbx_decode(value.as_slice())?.0));
fn get_dup(
&mut self,
key: &T::Key,
subkey: &T::SubKey,
) -> Result<Option<<T>::Value>, DB_FAILURES> {
let (encoded_key, encoded_subkey) = (mdbx_encode(key)?, mdbx_encode(subkey)?);
let value = self
.get_both::<Vec<u8>>(&encoded_key, &encoded_subkey)
if let Some(value) = value {
return Ok(Some(mdbx_decode(value.as_slice())?.0));
fn last_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::SubKey, T::Value)>, DB_FAILURES> {
let value = self
if let Some(value) = value {
return Ok(Some(mdbx_decode(value.as_slice())?.0));
fn next_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, (T::SubKey, T::Value))>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.next_dup::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
if let Some(pair) = pair {
let (decoded_key, decoded_value) = (
return Ok(Some((decoded_key.0, decoded_value.0)));
fn prev_dup(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(T::Key, (T::SubKey, T::Value))>, DB_FAILURES> {
let pair = self
.prev_dup::<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>()
if let Some(pair) = pair {
let (decoded_key, decoded_value) = (
return Ok(Some((decoded_key.0, decoded_value.0)));
// Implementation of the WriteCursor trait for mdbx's Cursors in RW permission
impl<'a, T> crate::transaction::WriteCursor<'a, T> for Cursor<'a, RW>
T: Table,
fn put_cursor(&mut self, key: &T::Key, value: &T::Value) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let (encoded_key, encoded_value) = (mdbx_encode(key)?, mdbx_encode(value)?);
self.put(&encoded_key, &encoded_value, WriteFlags::empty())
fn del(&mut self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
// Implementation of the DupWriteCursor trait for mdbx's Cursors in RW permission
impl<'a, T> crate::transaction::DupWriteCursor<'a, T> for Cursor<'a, RW>
T: DupTable,
fn put_cursor_dup(
&mut self,
key: &<T>::Key,
subkey: &<T as DupTable>::SubKey,
value: &<T>::Value,
) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let (encoded_key, mut encoded_subkey, mut encoded_value) =
(mdbx_encode(key)?, mdbx_encode(subkey)?, mdbx_encode(value)?);
encoded_subkey.append(&mut encoded_value);
fn del_nodup(&mut self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
// Implementation of the Transaction trait for mdbx's Transactions
impl<'a, E, R: TransactionKind> Transaction<'a> for libmdbx::Transaction<'_, R, E>
E: DatabaseKind,
type Cursor<T: Table> = Cursor<'a, R>;
type DupCursor<T: DupTable> = Cursor<'a, R>;
fn get<T: Table>(&self, key: &T::Key) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
let encoded_key = mdbx_encode(key)?;
let value = self
.get::<Vec<u8>>(&table, &encoded_key)
if let Some(value) = value {
return Ok(Some(mdbx_decode(value.as_slice())?.0));
fn cursor<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<Self::Cursor<T>, DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
fn commit(self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let b = self
if b {
} else {
fn cursor_dup<T: DupTable>(&self) -> Result<Self::DupCursor<T>, DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
fn num_entries<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<usize, DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
let stat = self.table_stat(&table)?;
// Implementation of the Transaction trait for mdbx's Transactions with RW permissions
impl<'a, E> WriteTransaction<'a> for libmdbx::Transaction<'a, RW, E>
E: DatabaseKind,
type WriteCursor<T: Table> = Cursor<'a, RW>;
type DupWriteCursor<T: DupTable> = Cursor<'a, RW>;
fn put<T: Table>(&self, key: &T::Key, value: &T::Value) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
let (encoded_key, encoded_value) = (mdbx_encode(key)?, mdbx_encode(value)?);
self.put(&table, encoded_key, encoded_value, WriteFlags::empty())
fn delete<T: Table>(&self, key: &T::Key, value: &Option<T::Value>) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
let encoded_key = mdbx_encode(key)?;
if let Some(value) = value {
let encoded_value = mdbx_encode(value)?;
return self
.del(&table, encoded_key, Some(encoded_value.as_slice()))
.map(|_| ())
self.del(&table, encoded_key, None)
.map(|_| ())
fn clear<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<(), DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
fn write_cursor<T: Table>(&self) -> Result<Self::WriteCursor<T>, DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
fn write_cursor_dup<T: DupTable>(&self) -> Result<Self::DupWriteCursor<T>, DB_FAILURES> {
let table = mdbx_open_table::<_, _, T>(self)?;
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
//! ### Table module
//! This module contains the definition of the [`Table`] and [`DupTable`] trait, and the actual tables used in the database.
//! [`DupTable`] are just a trait used to define that they support DUPSORT|DUPFIXED operation (as of now we don't know the equivalent for HSE).
//! All tables are defined with docs explaining its purpose, what types are the key and data.
//! For more details please look at Cuprate's book : <link to cuprate book>
use crate::{
/*OutTx,*/ AltBlock, BlockMetadata, /*RctOutkey,*/ OutputMetadata,
TransactionPruned, TxIndex, /*OutAmountIdx,*/ /*KeyImage,*/ TxOutputIdx,
use bincode::{de::Decode, enc::Encode};
use monero::{blockdata::transaction::KeyImage, Block, Hash};
/// A trait implementing a table interaction for the database. It is implemented to an empty struct to specify the name and table's associated types. These associated
/// types are used to simplify deserialization process.
pub trait Table: Send + Sync + 'static + Clone {
// name of the table
const TABLE_NAME: &'static str;
// Definition of a key & value types of the database
type Key: Encode + Decode;
type Value: Encode + Decode;
/// A trait implementing a table with duplicated data support.
pub trait DupTable: Table {
// Subkey of the table (prefix of the data)
type SubKey: Encode + Decode;
/// This declarative macro declare a new empty struct and impl the specified name, and corresponding types.
macro_rules! impl_table {
( $(#[$docs:meta])* $table:ident , $key:ty , $value:ty ) => {
pub(crate) struct $table;
impl Table for $table {
const TABLE_NAME: &'static str = stringify!($table);
type Key = $key;
type Value = $value;
/// This declarative macro declare extend the original impl_table! macro by implementy DupTable trait.
macro_rules! impl_duptable {
($(#[$docs:meta])* $table:ident, $key:ty, $subkey:ty, $value:ty) => {
impl_table!($(#[$docs])* $table, $key, $value);
impl DupTable for $table {
type SubKey = $subkey;
// ------------------------------------------| Tables definition |------------------------------------------
// ----- BLOCKS -----
/// `blockhash` is table defining a relation between the hash of a block and its height. Its primary use is to quickly find block's hash by its height.
/// `blockmetadata` store block metadata alongside their corresponding Hash. The blocks metadata can contains the total_coins_generated, weight, long_term_block_weight & cumulative RingCT
/// `blockbody` store blocks' bodies along their Hash. The blocks body contains the coinbase transaction and its corresponding mined transactions' hashes.
/// `blockhfversion` keep track of block's hard fork version. If an outdated node continue to run after a hard fork, it needs to know, after updating, what blocks needs to be update.
blockhfversion, u64, u8);
/// `altblock` is a table that permits the storage of blocks from an alternative chain, which may cause a re-org. These blocks can be fetch by their corresponding hash.
// ------- TXNs -------
/// `txspruned` is table storing TransactionPruned (or Pruned Tx). These can be fetch by the corresponding Transaction ID.
/// `txsprunable` is a table storing the Prunable part of transactions (Signatures and RctSig), stored as raw bytes. These can be fetch by the corresponding Transaction ID.
/// `txsprunablehash` is a table storing hashes of prunable part of transactions. These hash can be fetch by the corresponding Transaction ID.
/// `txsprunabletip` is a table used for optimization purpose. It defines at which block's height this transaction belong as long as the block is with Tip blocks. These can be fetch by the corresponding Transaction ID.
/// `txsoutputs` is a table storing output indices used in a transaction. These can be fetch by the corresponding Transaction ID.
/// `txsidentifier` is a table defining a relation between the hash of a transaction and its transaction Indexes. Its primarily used to quickly find tx's ID by its hash.
// ---- OUTPUTS ----
/// `prerctoutputmetadata` is a duplicated table storing Pre-RingCT output's metadata. The key is the amount of this output, and the subkey is its amount idx.
/// `prerctoutputmetadata` is a table storing RingCT output's metadata. The key is the amount idx of this output since amount is always 0 for RingCT outputs.
// ---- SPT KEYS ----
/// `spentkeys`is a table storing every KeyImage that have been used to create decoys input. As these KeyImage can't be re used they need to marked.
// ---- PROPERTIES ----
/// `spentkeys`is a table storing every KeyImage that have been used to create decoys input. As these KeyImage can't be re used they need to marked.
@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
//! ### Types module
//! This module contains definition and implementations of some of the structures stored in the database.
//! Some of these types are just Wrapper for convenience or re-definition of `monero-rs` database type (see Boog900/monero-rs, "db" branch)
//! Since the database do not use dummy keys, these redefined structs are the same as monerod without the prefix data used as a key.
//! All these types implement [`bincode::Encode`] and [`bincode::Decode`]. They can store `monero-rs` types in their field. In this case, these field
//! use the [`Compat<T>`] wrapper.
use crate::encoding::{Compat, ReaderCompat};
use bincode::{enc::write::Writer, Decode, Encode};
use monero::{
consensus::{encode, Decodable},
util::ringct::{Key, RctSig, RctSigBase, RctSigPrunable, RctType, Signature},
Block, Hash, PublicKey, Transaction, TransactionPrefix, TxIn,
// ---- BLOCKS ----
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
/// [`BlockMetadata`] is a struct containing metadata of a block such as the block's `timestamp`, the `total_coins_generated` at this height, its `weight`, its difficulty (`diff_lo`)
/// and cumulative difficulty (`diff_hi`), the `block_hash`, the cumulative RingCT (`cum_rct`) and its long term weight (`long_term_block_weight`). The monerod's struct equivalent is `mdb_block_info_4`
/// This struct is used in [`crate::table::blockmetadata`] table.
pub struct BlockMetadata {
/// Block's timestamp (the time at which it started to be mined)
pub timestamp: u64,
/// Total monero supply, this block included
pub total_coins_generated: u64,
/// Block's weight (sum of all transactions weights)
pub weight: u64,
/// Block's cumulative_difficulty. In monerod this field would have been split into two `u64`, since cpp don't support *natively* `uint128_t`/`u128`
pub cumulative_difficulty: u128,
/// Block's hash
pub block_hash: Compat<Hash>,
/// Cumulative number of RingCT outputs up to this block
pub cum_rct: u64,
/// Block's long term weight
pub long_term_block_weight: u64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
/// [`AltBlock`] is a struct containing an alternative `block` (defining an alternative mainchain) and its metadata (`block_height`, `cumulative_weight`,
/// `cumulative_difficulty_low`, `cumulative_difficulty_high`, `already_generated_coins`).
/// This struct is used in [`crate::table::altblock`] table.
pub struct AltBlock {
/// Alternative block's height.
pub height: u64,
/// Cumulative weight median at this block
pub cumulative_weight: u64,
/// Cumulative difficulty
pub cumulative_difficulty: u128,
/// Total generated coins excluding this block's coinbase reward + fees
pub already_generated_coins: u64,
/// Actual block data, with Prefix and Transactions.
/// It is worth noting that monerod implementation do not contain the block in its struct, but still append it at the end of metadata.
pub block: Compat<Block>,
// ---- TRANSACTIONS ----
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// [`TransactionPruned`] is, as its name suggest, the pruned part of a transaction, which is the Transaction Prefix and its RingCT ring.
/// This struct is used in the [`crate::table::txsprefix`] table.
pub struct TransactionPruned {
/// The transaction prefix.
pub prefix: TransactionPrefix,
/// The RingCT ring, will only contain the 'sig' field.
pub rct_signatures: RctSig,
impl bincode::Decode for TransactionPruned {
fn decode<D: bincode::de::Decoder>(
decoder: &mut D,
) -> Result<Self, bincode::error::DecodeError> {
let mut r = ReaderCompat(decoder.reader());
// We first decode the TransactionPrefix and get the n° of inputs/outputs
let prefix: TransactionPrefix = Decodable::consensus_decode(&mut r)
.map_err(|_| bincode::error::DecodeError::Other("Monero-rs decoding failed"))?;
let (inputs, outputs) = (prefix.inputs.len(), prefix.outputs.len());
// Handle the prefix accordingly to its version
match *prefix.version {
// First transaction format, Pre-RingCT, so the ring are None
1 => Ok(TransactionPruned {
rct_signatures: RctSig { sig: None, p: None },
_ => {
let mut rct_signatures = RctSig { sig: None, p: None };
// No inputs so no RingCT
if inputs == 0 {
return Ok(TransactionPruned {
// Otherwise get the RingCT ring for the tx inputs
if let Some(sig) = RctSigBase::consensus_decode(&mut r, inputs, outputs)
.map_err(|_| bincode::error::DecodeError::Other("Monero-rs decoding failed"))?
rct_signatures = RctSig {
sig: Some(sig),
p: None,
// And we return it
Ok(TransactionPruned {
impl bincode::Encode for TransactionPruned {
fn encode<E: bincode::enc::Encoder>(
encoder: &mut E,
) -> Result<(), bincode::error::EncodeError> {
let writer = encoder.writer();
// Encoding the Transaction prefix first
let buf = monero::consensus::serialize(&self.prefix);
match *self.prefix.version {
1 => {} // First transaction format, Pre-RingCT, so the there is no Rct ring to add
_ => {
if let Some(sig) = &self.rct_signatures.sig {
// If there is ring then we append it at the end
let buf = monero::consensus::serialize(sig);
impl TransactionPruned {
/// Turns a pruned transaction to a normal transaction with the missing pruned data
pub fn into_transaction(self, prunable: &[u8]) -> Result<Transaction, encode::Error> {
let mut r = std::io::Cursor::new(prunable);
match *self.prefix.version {
// Pre-RingCT transactions
1 => {
let signatures: Result<Vec<Vec<Signature>>, encode::Error> = self
.filter_map(|input| match input {
TxIn::ToKey { key_offsets, .. } => {
let sigs: Result<Vec<Signature>, encode::Error> = key_offsets
.map(|_| Decodable::consensus_decode(&mut r))
_ => None,
Ok(Transaction {
prefix: self.prefix,
signatures: signatures?,
rct_signatures: RctSig { sig: None, p: None },
// Post-RingCT Transactions
_ => {
let signatures = Vec::new();
let mut rct_signatures = RctSig { sig: None, p: None };
if self.prefix.inputs.is_empty() {
return Ok(Transaction {
prefix: self.prefix,
rct_signatures: RctSig { sig: None, p: None },
if let Some(sig) = self.rct_signatures.sig {
let p = {
if sig.rct_type != RctType::Null {
let mixin_size = if !self.prefix.inputs.is_empty() {
match &self.prefix.inputs[0] {
TxIn::ToKey { key_offsets, .. } => key_offsets.len() - 1,
_ => 0,
} else {
&mut r,
} else {
rct_signatures = RctSig { sig: Some(sig), p };
Ok(Transaction {
prefix: self.prefix,
pub fn get_transaction_prunable_blob<W: std::io::Write + ?Sized>(
tx: &monero::Transaction,
w: &mut W,
) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
let mut len = 0;
match tx.prefix.version.0 {
1 => {
for sig in tx.signatures.iter() {
for c in sig {
len += monero::consensus::encode::Encodable::consensus_encode(c, w)?;
_ => {
if let Some(sig) = &tx.rct_signatures.sig {
if let Some(p) = &tx.rct_signatures.p {
len += p.consensus_encode(w, sig.rct_type)?;
pub fn calculate_prunable_hash(tx: &monero::Transaction, tx_prunable_blob: &[u8]) -> Option<Hash> {
// V1 transaction don't have prunable hash
if tx.prefix.version.0 == 1 {
return None;
// Checking if it's a miner tx
if let TxIn::Gen { height: _ } = &tx.prefix.inputs[0] {
if tx.prefix.inputs.len() == 1 {
// Returning miner tx's empty hash
return Some(Hash::from_slice(&[
0x70, 0xa4, 0x85, 0x5d, 0x04, 0xd8, 0xfa, 0x7b, 0x3b, 0x27, 0x82, 0xca, 0x53, 0xb6,
0x00, 0xe5, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xc7, 0xdc, 0xb2, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x92, 0x3c, 0x23, 0xf7, 0x86,
0x01, 0x46, 0xd2, 0xc5,
// Calculating the hash
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
/// [`TxIndex`] is a struct used in the [`crate::table::txsidentifier`]. It store the `unlock_time` of a transaction, the `height` of the block
/// whose transaction belong to and the Transaction ID (`tx_id`)
pub struct TxIndex {
/// Transaction ID
pub tx_id: u64,
/// The unlock time of this transaction (the height at which it is unlocked, it is not a timestamp)
pub unlock_time: u64,
/// The height of the block whose transaction belong to
pub height: u64, // TODO USELESS already in txs_prunable_tip
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
/// [`TxOutputIdx`] is a single-tuple struct used to contain the indexes (amount and amount indices) of the transactions outputs. It is defined for more clarity on its role.
/// This struct is used in [`crate::table::txsoutputs`] table.
pub struct TxOutputIdx(pub Vec<u64>);
// ---- OUTPUTS ----
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
/// [`RctOutkey`] is a struct containing RingCT metadata and an output ID. It is equivalent to the `output_data_t` struct in monerod
/// This struct is used in [`crate::table::outputamounts`]
pub struct RctOutkey {
// /// amount_index
//pub amount_index: u64,
/// The output's ID
pub output_id: u64,
/// The output's public key (for spend verification)
pub pubkey: Compat<PublicKey>,
/// The output's unlock time (the height at which it is unlocked, it is not a timestamp)
pub unlock_time: u64,
/// The height of the block which used this output
pub height: u64,
/// The output's amount commitment (for spend verification)
/// For compatibility with Pre-RingCT outputs, this field is an option. In fact, monerod distinguish between `pre_rct_output_data_t` and `output_data_t` field like that :
/// ```cpp
/// // This MUST be identical to output_data_t, without the extra rct data at the end
/// struct pre_rct_output_data_t
/// ```
pub commitment: Option<Compat<Key>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
/// [`OutputMetadata`] is a struct containing Outputs Metadata. It is used in [`crate::table::outputmetadata`]. It is a struct merging the
/// `out_tx_index` tuple with `output_data_t` structure in monerod, without the output ID.
pub struct OutputMetadata {
pub tx_hash: Compat<Hash>,
pub local_index: u64,
pub pubkey: Option<Compat<PublicKey>>,
pub unlock_time: u64,
pub height: u64,
pub commitment: Option<Compat<Key>>,
//#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
//// [`OutAmountIdx`] is a struct tuple used to contain the two keys used in [`crate::table::outputamounts`] table.
//// In monerod, the database key is the amount while the *cursor key* (the amount index) is the prefix of the actual data being returned.
//// As we prefer to note use cursor with partial data, we prefer to concat these two into a unique key
//pub struct OutAmountIdx(u64,u64);
//#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
// /// [`OutTx`] is a struct containing the hash of the transaction whose output belongs to, and the local index of this output.
// /// This struct is used in [`crate::table::outputinherit`].
/*pub struct OutTx {
/// Output's transaction hash
pub tx_hash: Compat<Hash>,
/// Local index of the output
pub local_index: u64,
mod tests {
use monero::Hash;
use super::get_transaction_prunable_blob;
fn calculate_tx_prunable_hash() {
let prunable_blob: Vec<u8> = vec![
1, 113, 10, 7, 87, 70, 119, 97, 244, 126, 155, 133, 254, 167, 60, 204, 134, 45, 71, 17,
87, 21, 252, 8, 218, 233, 219, 192, 84, 181, 196, 74, 213, 2, 246, 222, 66, 45, 152,
159, 156, 19, 224, 251, 110, 154, 188, 91, 129, 53, 251, 82, 134, 46, 93, 119, 136, 35,
13, 190, 235, 231, 44, 183, 134, 221, 12, 131, 222, 209, 246, 52, 14, 33, 94, 173, 251,
233, 18, 154, 91, 72, 229, 180, 43, 35, 152, 130, 38, 82, 56, 179, 36, 168, 54, 41, 62,
49, 208, 35, 245, 29, 27, 81, 72, 140, 104, 4, 59, 22, 120, 252, 67, 197, 130, 245, 93,
100, 129, 134, 19, 137, 228, 237, 166, 89, 5, 42, 1, 110, 139, 39, 81, 89, 159, 40,
239, 211, 251, 108, 82, 68, 125, 182, 75, 152, 129, 74, 73, 208, 215, 15, 63, 3, 106,
168, 35, 56, 126, 66, 2, 189, 53, 201, 77, 187, 102, 127, 154, 60, 209, 33, 217, 109,
81, 217, 183, 252, 114, 90, 245, 21, 229, 174, 254, 177, 147, 130, 74, 49, 118, 203,
14, 7, 118, 221, 81, 181, 78, 97, 224, 76, 160, 134, 73, 206, 204, 199, 201, 30, 201,
77, 4, 78, 237, 167, 76, 92, 104, 247, 247, 203, 141, 243, 72, 52, 83, 61, 35, 147,
231, 124, 21, 115, 81, 83, 67, 222, 61, 225, 171, 66, 243, 185, 195, 51, 72, 243, 80,
104, 4, 166, 54, 199, 235, 193, 175, 4, 242, 42, 146, 170, 90, 212, 101, 208, 113, 58,
65, 121, 55, 179, 206, 92, 50, 94, 171, 33, 67, 108, 220, 19, 193, 155, 30, 58, 46, 9,
227, 48, 246, 187, 82, 230, 61, 64, 95, 197, 183, 150, 62, 203, 252, 36, 157, 135, 160,
120, 189, 52, 94, 186, 93, 5, 36, 120, 160, 62, 254, 178, 101, 11, 228, 63, 128, 249,
182, 56, 100, 9, 5, 2, 81, 243, 229, 245, 43, 234, 35, 216, 212, 46, 165, 251, 183,
133, 10, 76, 172, 95, 106, 231, 13, 216, 222, 15, 92, 122, 103, 68, 238, 190, 108, 124,
138, 62, 255, 243, 22, 209, 2, 138, 45, 178, 101, 240, 18, 186, 71, 239, 137, 191, 134,
128, 221, 181, 173, 242, 111, 117, 45, 255, 138, 101, 79, 242, 42, 4, 144, 245, 193,
79, 14, 44, 201, 223, 0, 193, 123, 75, 155, 140, 248, 0, 226, 246, 230, 126, 7, 32,
107, 173, 193, 206, 184, 11, 33, 148, 104, 32, 79, 149, 71, 68, 150, 6, 47, 90, 231,
151, 14, 121, 196, 169, 249, 117, 154, 167, 139, 103, 62, 97, 250, 131, 160, 92, 239,
18, 236, 110, 184, 102, 30, 194, 175, 243, 145, 169, 183, 163, 141, 244, 186, 172, 251,
3, 78, 165, 33, 12, 2, 136, 180, 178, 83, 117, 0, 184, 170, 255, 69, 131, 123, 8, 212,
158, 162, 119, 137, 146, 63, 95, 133, 186, 91, 255, 152, 187, 107, 113, 147, 51, 219,
207, 5, 160, 169, 97, 9, 1, 202, 152, 186, 128, 160, 110, 120, 7, 176, 103, 87, 30,
137, 240, 67, 55, 79, 147, 223, 45, 177, 210, 101, 225, 22, 25, 129, 111, 101, 21, 213,
20, 254, 36, 57, 67, 70, 93, 192, 11, 180, 75, 99, 185, 77, 75, 74, 63, 182, 183, 208,
16, 69, 237, 96, 76, 96, 212, 242, 6, 169, 14, 250, 168, 129, 18, 141, 240, 101, 196,
96, 120, 88, 90, 51, 77, 12, 133, 212, 192, 107, 131, 238, 34, 237, 93, 157, 108, 13,
255, 187, 163, 106, 148, 108, 105, 244, 243, 174, 189, 180, 48, 102, 57, 170, 118, 211,
110, 126, 222, 165, 93, 36, 157, 90, 14, 135, 184, 197, 185, 7, 99, 199, 224, 225, 243,
212, 116, 149, 137, 186, 16, 196, 73, 23, 11, 248, 248, 67, 167, 149, 154, 64, 76, 218,
119, 135, 239, 34, 48, 66, 57, 109, 246, 3, 141, 169, 42, 157, 222, 21, 40, 183, 168,
97, 195, 106, 244, 229, 61, 122, 136, 59, 255, 120, 86, 30, 63, 226, 18, 65, 218, 188,
195, 217, 85, 12, 211, 221, 188, 27, 8, 98, 103, 211, 213, 217, 65, 82, 229, 145, 80,
147, 220, 57, 143, 20, 189, 253, 106, 13, 21, 170, 60, 24, 48, 162, 234, 0, 240, 226,
4, 28, 76, 93, 56, 3, 187, 223, 58, 31, 184, 58, 234, 198, 140, 223, 217, 1, 147, 94,
218, 199, 154, 121, 137, 44, 229, 0, 1, 10, 133, 250, 140, 64, 150, 89, 64, 112, 178,
221, 87, 19, 24, 104, 252, 28, 65, 207, 28, 195, 217, 73, 12, 16, 83, 55, 199, 84, 117,
175, 123, 13, 234, 10, 54, 63, 245, 161, 74, 235, 92, 189, 247, 47, 62, 176, 41, 159,
40, 250, 116, 63, 33, 193, 78, 72, 29, 215, 9, 191, 233, 243, 87, 14, 195, 7, 89, 101,
0, 28, 0, 234, 205, 59, 142, 119, 119, 52, 143, 80, 151, 211, 184, 235, 98, 222, 206,
170, 166, 4, 155, 3, 235, 26, 62, 8, 171, 19, 14, 53, 245, 77, 114, 175, 246, 170, 139,
227, 212, 141, 72, 223, 134, 63, 91, 26, 12, 78, 253, 198, 162, 152, 202, 207, 170,
254, 8, 4, 4, 175, 207, 84, 10, 108, 179, 157, 132, 110, 76, 201, 247, 227, 158, 106,
59, 41, 206, 229, 128, 2, 60, 203, 65, 71, 160, 232, 186, 227, 51, 12, 142, 85, 93, 89,
234, 236, 157, 230, 247, 167, 99, 7, 37, 146, 13, 53, 39, 255, 209, 177, 179, 17, 131,
59, 16, 75, 180, 21, 119, 88, 4, 12, 49, 140, 3, 110, 235, 231, 92, 13, 41, 137, 21,
37, 46, 138, 44, 250, 44, 161, 179, 114, 94, 63, 207, 192, 81, 234, 35, 125, 54, 2,
214, 10, 57, 116, 154, 150, 147, 223, 232, 36, 108, 152, 145, 157, 132, 190, 103, 233,
155, 141, 243, 249, 120, 72, 168, 14, 196, 35, 54, 107, 167, 218, 209, 1, 209, 197,
187, 242, 76, 86, 229, 114, 131, 196, 69, 171, 118, 28, 51, 192, 146, 14, 140, 84, 66,
155, 237, 194, 167, 121, 160, 166, 198, 166, 57, 13, 66, 162, 234, 148, 102, 133, 111,
18, 166, 77, 156, 75, 84, 220, 80, 35, 81, 141, 23, 197, 162, 23, 167, 187, 187, 187,
137, 184, 96, 140, 162, 6, 49, 63, 39, 84, 107, 85, 202, 168, 51, 194, 214, 132, 253,
253, 189, 231, 1, 226, 118, 104, 84, 147, 244, 58, 233, 250, 66, 26, 109, 223, 34, 2,
2, 112, 141, 147, 230, 134, 73, 45, 105, 180, 223, 52, 95, 40, 235, 209, 50, 67, 193,
22, 176, 176, 128, 140, 238, 252, 129, 220, 175, 79, 133, 12, 123, 209, 64, 5, 160, 39,
47, 66, 122, 245, 65, 102, 133, 58, 74, 138, 153, 217, 48, 59, 84, 135, 117, 92, 131,
44, 109, 40, 105, 69, 29, 14, 142, 71, 87, 112, 68, 134, 0, 14, 158, 14, 68, 15, 180,
150, 108, 49, 196, 94, 82, 27, 208, 163, 103, 81, 85, 124, 61, 242, 151, 29, 74, 87,
134, 166, 145, 186, 110, 207, 162, 99, 92, 133, 121, 137, 124, 90, 134, 5, 249, 231,
181, 222, 38, 170, 141, 113, 204, 172, 169, 173, 63, 81, 170, 76,
let prunable_hash = Hash::from_slice(&[
0x5c, 0x5e, 0x69, 0xd8, 0xfc, 0x0d, 0x22, 0x6a, 0x60, 0x91, 0x47, 0xda, 0x98, 0x36,
0x06, 0x00, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x49, 0xcc, 0x49, 0x45, 0x2c, 0x5e, 0xf8, 0xba, 0x20, 0xf5,
0x93, 0xd4, 0x80, 0x7d,
assert_eq!(prunable_hash, Hash::new(prunable_blob));
fn get_prunable_tx_blob() {
let mut pruned_p_blob: Vec<u8> = vec![
2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 16, 180, 149, 135, 30, 237, 231, 156, 1, 132, 145, 47, 182, 251, 153, 1,
225, 234, 94, 219, 134, 23, 222, 210, 30, 208, 213, 12, 136, 158, 5, 159, 148, 15, 206,
144, 2, 132, 63, 135, 22, 151, 8, 134, 8, 178, 26, 194, 111, 101, 192, 45, 104, 18,
115, 178, 194, 100, 255, 227, 10, 253, 165, 53, 62, 81, 67, 202, 169, 56, 99, 42, 146,
175, 137, 85, 195, 27, 151, 2, 0, 3, 207, 28, 183, 85, 7, 58, 81, 205, 53, 9, 191, 141,
209, 70, 58, 30, 38, 225, 212, 68, 14, 4, 216, 204, 101, 163, 66, 156, 101, 143, 255,
196, 134, 0, 3, 254, 66, 159, 187, 180, 41, 78, 252, 85, 255, 154, 55, 239, 222, 199,
37, 159, 210, 71, 186, 188, 46, 134, 181, 236, 221, 173, 43, 93, 50, 138, 249, 221, 44,
1, 34, 67, 111, 182, 199, 28, 219, 56, 238, 143, 188, 101, 103, 205, 139, 160, 144,
226, 34, 92, 235, 221, 75, 38, 7, 104, 255, 108, 208, 1, 184, 169, 2, 9, 1, 84, 62, 77,
107, 119, 22, 148, 222, 6, 128, 128, 211, 14, 242, 200, 16, 137, 239, 249, 55, 59, 16,
193, 192, 140, 240, 153, 129, 228, 115, 222, 247, 41, 128, 219, 241, 249, 198, 214, 75,
31, 82, 225, 1, 158, 183, 226, 220, 126, 228, 191, 211, 79, 43, 220, 95, 124, 109, 14,
162, 170, 68, 37, 62, 21, 139, 182, 246, 152, 36, 156, 172, 197, 20, 145, 85, 9, 8,
106, 237, 112, 63, 189, 172, 145, 49, 234, 68, 152, 200, 241, 0, 37,
let prunable_blob: Vec<u8> = vec![
1, 113, 10, 7, 87, 70, 119, 97, 244, 126, 155, 133, 254, 167, 60, 204, 134, 45, 71, 17,
87, 21, 252, 8, 218, 233, 219, 192, 84, 181, 196, 74, 213, 2, 246, 222, 66, 45, 152,
159, 156, 19, 224, 251, 110, 154, 188, 91, 129, 53, 251, 82, 134, 46, 93, 119, 136, 35,
13, 190, 235, 231, 44, 183, 134, 221, 12, 131, 222, 209, 246, 52, 14, 33, 94, 173, 251,
233, 18, 154, 91, 72, 229, 180, 43, 35, 152, 130, 38, 82, 56, 179, 36, 168, 54, 41, 62,
49, 208, 35, 245, 29, 27, 81, 72, 140, 104, 4, 59, 22, 120, 252, 67, 197, 130, 245, 93,
100, 129, 134, 19, 137, 228, 237, 166, 89, 5, 42, 1, 110, 139, 39, 81, 89, 159, 40,
239, 211, 251, 108, 82, 68, 125, 182, 75, 152, 129, 74, 73, 208, 215, 15, 63, 3, 106,
168, 35, 56, 126, 66, 2, 189, 53, 201, 77, 187, 102, 127, 154, 60, 209, 33, 217, 109,
81, 217, 183, 252, 114, 90, 245, 21, 229, 174, 254, 177, 147, 130, 74, 49, 118, 203,
14, 7, 118, 221, 81, 181, 78, 97, 224, 76, 160, 134, 73, 206, 204, 199, 201, 30, 201,
77, 4, 78, 237, 167, 76, 92, 104, 247, 247, 203, 141, 243, 72, 52, 83, 61, 35, 147,
231, 124, 21, 115, 81, 83, 67, 222, 61, 225, 171, 66, 243, 185, 195, 51, 72, 243, 80,
104, 4, 166, 54, 199, 235, 193, 175, 4, 242, 42, 146, 170, 90, 212, 101, 208, 113, 58,
65, 121, 55, 179, 206, 92, 50, 94, 171, 33, 67, 108, 220, 19, 193, 155, 30, 58, 46, 9,
227, 48, 246, 187, 82, 230, 61, 64, 95, 197, 183, 150, 62, 203, 252, 36, 157, 135, 160,
120, 189, 52, 94, 186, 93, 5, 36, 120, 160, 62, 254, 178, 101, 11, 228, 63, 128, 249,
182, 56, 100, 9, 5, 2, 81, 243, 229, 245, 43, 234, 35, 216, 212, 46, 165, 251, 183,
133, 10, 76, 172, 95, 106, 231, 13, 216, 222, 15, 92, 122, 103, 68, 238, 190, 108, 124,
138, 62, 255, 243, 22, 209, 2, 138, 45, 178, 101, 240, 18, 186, 71, 239, 137, 191, 134,
128, 221, 181, 173, 242, 111, 117, 45, 255, 138, 101, 79, 242, 42, 4, 144, 245, 193,
79, 14, 44, 201, 223, 0, 193, 123, 75, 155, 140, 248, 0, 226, 246, 230, 126, 7, 32,
107, 173, 193, 206, 184, 11, 33, 148, 104, 32, 79, 149, 71, 68, 150, 6, 47, 90, 231,
151, 14, 121, 196, 169, 249, 117, 154, 167, 139, 103, 62, 97, 250, 131, 160, 92, 239,
18, 236, 110, 184, 102, 30, 194, 175, 243, 145, 169, 183, 163, 141, 244, 186, 172, 251,
3, 78, 165, 33, 12, 2, 136, 180, 178, 83, 117, 0, 184, 170, 255, 69, 131, 123, 8, 212,
158, 162, 119, 137, 146, 63, 95, 133, 186, 91, 255, 152, 187, 107, 113, 147, 51, 219,
207, 5, 160, 169, 97, 9, 1, 202, 152, 186, 128, 160, 110, 120, 7, 176, 103, 87, 30,
137, 240, 67, 55, 79, 147, 223, 45, 177, 210, 101, 225, 22, 25, 129, 111, 101, 21, 213,
20, 254, 36, 57, 67, 70, 93, 192, 11, 180, 75, 99, 185, 77, 75, 74, 63, 182, 183, 208,
16, 69, 237, 96, 76, 96, 212, 242, 6, 169, 14, 250, 168, 129, 18, 141, 240, 101, 196,
96, 120, 88, 90, 51, 77, 12, 133, 212, 192, 107, 131, 238, 34, 237, 93, 157, 108, 13,
255, 187, 163, 106, 148, 108, 105, 244, 243, 174, 189, 180, 48, 102, 57, 170, 118, 211,
110, 126, 222, 165, 93, 36, 157, 90, 14, 135, 184, 197, 185, 7, 99, 199, 224, 225, 243,
212, 116, 149, 137, 186, 16, 196, 73, 23, 11, 248, 248, 67, 167, 149, 154, 64, 76, 218,
119, 135, 239, 34, 48, 66, 57, 109, 246, 3, 141, 169, 42, 157, 222, 21, 40, 183, 168,
97, 195, 106, 244, 229, 61, 122, 136, 59, 255, 120, 86, 30, 63, 226, 18, 65, 218, 188,
195, 217, 85, 12, 211, 221, 188, 27, 8, 98, 103, 211, 213, 217, 65, 82, 229, 145, 80,
147, 220, 57, 143, 20, 189, 253, 106, 13, 21, 170, 60, 24, 48, 162, 234, 0, 240, 226,
4, 28, 76, 93, 56, 3, 187, 223, 58, 31, 184, 58, 234, 198, 140, 223, 217, 1, 147, 94,
218, 199, 154, 121, 137, 44, 229, 0, 1, 10, 133, 250, 140, 64, 150, 89, 64, 112, 178,
221, 87, 19, 24, 104, 252, 28, 65, 207, 28, 195, 217, 73, 12, 16, 83, 55, 199, 84, 117,
175, 123, 13, 234, 10, 54, 63, 245, 161, 74, 235, 92, 189, 247, 47, 62, 176, 41, 159,
40, 250, 116, 63, 33, 193, 78, 72, 29, 215, 9, 191, 233, 243, 87, 14, 195, 7, 89, 101,
0, 28, 0, 234, 205, 59, 142, 119, 119, 52, 143, 80, 151, 211, 184, 235, 98, 222, 206,
170, 166, 4, 155, 3, 235, 26, 62, 8, 171, 19, 14, 53, 245, 77, 114, 175, 246, 170, 139,
227, 212, 141, 72, 223, 134, 63, 91, 26, 12, 78, 253, 198, 162, 152, 202, 207, 170,
254, 8, 4, 4, 175, 207, 84, 10, 108, 179, 157, 132, 110, 76, 201, 247, 227, 158, 106,
59, 41, 206, 229, 128, 2, 60, 203, 65, 71, 160, 232, 186, 227, 51, 12, 142, 85, 93, 89,
234, 236, 157, 230, 247, 167, 99, 7, 37, 146, 13, 53, 39, 255, 209, 177, 179, 17, 131,
59, 16, 75, 180, 21, 119, 88, 4, 12, 49, 140, 3, 110, 235, 231, 92, 13, 41, 137, 21,
37, 46, 138, 44, 250, 44, 161, 179, 114, 94, 63, 207, 192, 81, 234, 35, 125, 54, 2,
214, 10, 57, 116, 154, 150, 147, 223, 232, 36, 108, 152, 145, 157, 132, 190, 103, 233,
155, 141, 243, 249, 120, 72, 168, 14, 196, 35, 54, 107, 167, 218, 209, 1, 209, 197,
187, 242, 76, 86, 229, 114, 131, 196, 69, 171, 118, 28, 51, 192, 146, 14, 140, 84, 66,
155, 237, 194, 167, 121, 160, 166, 198, 166, 57, 13, 66, 162, 234, 148, 102, 133, 111,
18, 166, 77, 156, 75, 84, 220, 80, 35, 81, 141, 23, 197, 162, 23, 167, 187, 187, 187,
137, 184, 96, 140, 162, 6, 49, 63, 39, 84, 107, 85, 202, 168, 51, 194, 214, 132, 253,
253, 189, 231, 1, 226, 118, 104, 84, 147, 244, 58, 233, 250, 66, 26, 109, 223, 34, 2,
2, 112, 141, 147, 230, 134, 73, 45, 105, 180, 223, 52, 95, 40, 235, 209, 50, 67, 193,
22, 176, 176, 128, 140, 238, 252, 129, 220, 175, 79, 133, 12, 123, 209, 64, 5, 160, 39,
47, 66, 122, 245, 65, 102, 133, 58, 74, 138, 153, 217, 48, 59, 84, 135, 117, 92, 131,
44, 109, 40, 105, 69, 29, 14, 142, 71, 87, 112, 68, 134, 0, 14, 158, 14, 68, 15, 180,
150, 108, 49, 196, 94, 82, 27, 208, 163, 103, 81, 85, 124, 61, 242, 151, 29, 74, 87,
134, 166, 145, 186, 110, 207, 162, 99, 92, 133, 121, 137, 124, 90, 134, 5, 249, 231,
181, 222, 38, 170, 141, 113, 204, 172, 169, 173, 63, 81, 170, 76,
let mut tx_blob: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
tx_blob.append(&mut pruned_p_blob);
tx_blob.append(&mut prunable_blob.clone());
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let tx: monero::Transaction =
monero::consensus::encode::deserialize(&tx_blob).expect("failed to serialize");
get_transaction_prunable_blob(&tx, &mut buf).expect("failed to get out prunable blob");
assert_eq!(prunable_blob, buf);
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