diff --git a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/disconnect_monitor.rs b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/disconnect_monitor.rs
index 782e88cf..977e46e8 100644
--- a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/disconnect_monitor.rs
+++ b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/disconnect_monitor.rs
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ pub async fn disconnect_monitor<N: NetworkZone>(
     mut new_connection_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(ConnectionHandle, InternalPeerID<N::Addr>)>,
     client_pool: Arc<ClientPool<N>>,
 ) {
-    // We need to hold a weak reference otherwise the client pool and this would be a circular reference
-    // which means the pool would be leaked.
+    // We need to hold a weak reference otherwise the client pool and this would hold a reference to each
+    // other causing the pool to be leaked.
     let weak_client_pool = Arc::downgrade(&client_pool);
diff --git a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/drop_guard_client.rs b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/drop_guard_client.rs
index 5555d713..d8c20c6e 100644
--- a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/drop_guard_client.rs
+++ b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/client_pool/drop_guard_client.rs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pub struct ClientPoolDropGuard<N: NetworkZone> {
     /// The [`Client`].
     /// This is set to [`Some`] when this guard is created, then
-    /// ### [`take`](Option::take)n and returned to the pool when dropped.
+    /// [`take`](Option::take)n and returned to the pool when dropped.
     pub(super) client: Option<Client<N>>,
diff --git a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/config.rs b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/config.rs
index bae2a663..336c9eaf 100644
--- a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/config.rs
+++ b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/config.rs
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 use cuprate_helper::network::Network;
 use monero_address_book::AddressBookConfig;
 use monero_p2p::NetworkZone;
-use monero_wire::common::PeerSupportFlags;
-use monero_wire::BasicNodeData;
+use monero_wire::{common::PeerSupportFlags, BasicNodeData};
 /// P2P config.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
 pub struct P2PConfig<N: NetworkZone> {
+    /// The [`Network`] we should connect to.
     pub network: Network,
     /// The number of outbound connections to make and try keep.
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ pub struct P2PConfig<N: NetworkZone> {
     /// The public RPC port to tell peers about so wallets can use our node. `0` if we do not have a public RPC port.
     pub rpc_port: u16,
+    /// The [`AddressBookConfig`].
     pub address_book_config: AddressBookConfig,
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ impl<N: NetworkZone> P2PConfig<N> {
     /// Returns the [`BasicNodeData`] for this [`P2PConfig`].
     /// [`BasicNodeData::peer_id`] is set to a random u64, so this function should only be called once
-    /// per [`NetworkZone`].
+    /// per [`NetworkZone`] per run.
     pub(crate) fn basic_node_data(&self) -> BasicNodeData {
         BasicNodeData {
             my_port: self.p2p_port as u32,
diff --git a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/constants.rs b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/constants.rs
index 8ec02759..0c65386b 100644
--- a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/constants.rs
+++ b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/constants.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use std::time::Duration;
 /// The timeout we set on handshakes.
-pub(crate) const HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
+pub(crate) const HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(20);
 /// The maximum amount of connections to make to seed nodes for when we need peers.
 pub(crate) const MAX_SEED_CONNECTIONS: usize = 3;
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ pub(crate) const SOFT_TX_MESSAGE_SIZE_SIZE_LIMIT: usize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
 /// 50 more transactions after it are added to the queue.
 pub(crate) const MAX_TXS_IN_BROADCAST_CHANNEL: usize = 50;
+/// The time to sleep after an inbound connection comes in.
+/// This is a safety measure to prevent Cuprate from getting spammed with a load of inbound connections.
+/// TODO: it might be a good idea to make this configurable.
+pub(crate) const INBOUND_CONNECTION_COOL_DOWN: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
 mod tests {
     use super::*;
diff --git a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/inbound_server.rs b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/inbound_server.rs
index cccdf371..b56903a9 100644
--- a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/inbound_server.rs
+++ b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/inbound_server.rs
@@ -5,19 +5,26 @@
 use std::{pin::pin, sync::Arc};
 use futures::StreamExt;
+use tokio::{
+    sync::Semaphore,
+    time::{sleep, timeout},
+use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
+use tracing::{instrument, Instrument, Span};
 use monero_p2p::{
     client::{Client, DoHandshakeRequest, HandshakeError, InternalPeerID},
     ConnectionDirection, NetworkZone,
-use tokio::time::sleep;
-use tokio::{sync::Semaphore, time::timeout};
-use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
-use tracing::{instrument, Instrument, Span};
-use crate::constants::INBOUND_CONNECTION_COOL_DOWN;
-use crate::{client_pool::ClientPool, constants::HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, P2PConfig};
+use crate::{
+    client_pool::ClientPool,
+    P2PConfig,
-#[instrument(level = "info", skip_all)]
+/// The inbound server.
+#[instrument(level = "warn", skip_all)]
 pub async fn inbound_server<N, HS>(
     client_pool: Arc<ClientPool<N>>,
     mut handshaker: HS,
@@ -35,6 +42,9 @@ where
         return Ok(());
+    // TODO: take in the address book and check if incoming peers are banned before adding them to our
+    // connections.
     tracing::info!("Starting inbound connection server");
     let listener = N::incoming_connection_listener(server_config, config.p2p_port)
diff --git a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/lib.rs b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/lib.rs
index afa4c93a..b694bc4c 100644
--- a/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/lib.rs
+++ b/p2p/cuprate-p2p/src/lib.rs
@@ -7,11 +7,125 @@
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use tokio::sync::{mpsc, watch};
+use tower::buffer::Buffer;
+use tracing::{instrument, Instrument, Span};
+use monero_p2p::{CoreSyncSvc, NetworkZone, PeerRequestHandler};
 mod broadcast;
-pub mod client_pool;
+mod client_pool;
 pub mod config;
 pub mod connection_maintainer;
 mod constants;
+mod inbound_server;
 mod sync_states;
+use crate::connection_maintainer::MakeConnectionRequest;
 pub use config::P2PConfig;
+use monero_p2p::client::Connector;
+/// Initializes the P2P [`NetworkInterface`] for a specific [`NetworkZone`].
+/// This function starts all the tasks to maintain connections/ accept connections/ make connections.
+/// To use you must provide, a peer request handler, which is given to each connection  and a core sync service
+/// which keeps track of the sync state of our node.
+#[instrument(level="debug", name="net", skip_all, fields(zone=N::NAME))]
+pub async fn initialize_network<N, R, CS>(
+    peer_req_handler: R,
+    core_sync_svc: CS,
+    config: P2PConfig<N>,
+) -> Result<NetworkInterface<N>, tower::BoxError>
+    N: NetworkZone,
+    R: PeerRequestHandler + Clone,
+    CS: CoreSyncSvc + Clone,
+    let address_book =
+        monero_address_book::init_address_book(config.address_book_config.clone()).await?;
+    let address_book = Buffer::new(
+        address_book,
+        config.max_inbound_connections + config.outbound_connections,
+    );
+    let (sync_states_svc, top_block_watch) = sync_states::PeerSyncSvc::new();
+    let sync_states_svc = Buffer::new(
+        sync_states_svc,
+        config.max_inbound_connections + config.outbound_connections,
+    );
+    // Use the default config. Changing the defaults affects tx fluff times, which could effect D++ so for now don't allow changing
+    // this.
+    let (broadcast_svc, outbound_mkr, inbound_mkr) =
+        broadcast::init_broadcast_channels(broadcast::BroadcastConfig::default());
+    let mut basic_node_data = config.basic_node_data();
+    if !N::CHECK_NODE_ID {
+        // TODO: make sure this is the value monerod sets for anon networks.
+        basic_node_data.peer_id = 1;
+    }
+    let outbound_handshaker = monero_p2p::client::HandShaker::new(
+        address_book.clone(),
+        sync_states_svc.clone(),
+        core_sync_svc.clone(),
+        peer_req_handler.clone(),
+        outbound_mkr,
+        basic_node_data.clone(),
+    );
+    let inbound_handshaker = monero_p2p::client::HandShaker::new(
+        address_book.clone(),
+        sync_states_svc,
+        core_sync_svc.clone(),
+        peer_req_handler,
+        inbound_mkr,
+        basic_node_data,
+    );
+    let client_pool = client_pool::ClientPool::new();
+    let (make_connection_tx, make_connection_rx) = mpsc::channel(3);
+    let outbound_connector = Connector::new(outbound_handshaker);
+    let outbound_connection_maintainer = connection_maintainer::OutboundConnectionKeeper::new(
+        config.clone(),
+        client_pool.clone(),
+        make_connection_rx,
+        address_book.clone(),
+        outbound_connector,
+    );
+    tokio::spawn(
+        outbound_connection_maintainer
+            .run()
+            .instrument(Span::current()),
+    );
+    tokio::spawn(
+        inbound_server::inbound_server(client_pool.clone(), inbound_handshaker, config)
+            .instrument(Span::current()),
+    );
+    Ok(NetworkInterface {
+        pool: client_pool,
+        broadcast_svc,
+        top_block_watch,
+        make_connection_tx,
+    })
+/// The interface to Monero's P2P network on a certain [`NetworkZone`].
+pub struct NetworkInterface<N: NetworkZone> {
+    /// A pool of free connected peers.
+    pool: Arc<client_pool::ClientPool<N>>,
+    /// A [`Service`](tower::Service) that allows broadcasting to all connected peers.
+    broadcast_svc: broadcast::BroadcastSvc<N>,
+    /// A [`watch`] channel that contains the highest seen cumulative difficulty and other info
+    /// on that claimed chain.
+    top_block_watch: watch::Receiver<sync_states::NewSyncInfo>,
+    /// A channel to request extra connections.
+    make_connection_tx: mpsc::Sender<MakeConnectionRequest>,
diff --git a/p2p/monero-p2p/src/client.rs b/p2p/monero-p2p/src/client.rs
index 8aab306d..02deae51 100644
--- a/p2p/monero-p2p/src/client.rs
+++ b/p2p/monero-p2p/src/client.rs
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ pub use handshaker::{DoHandshakeRequest, HandShaker, HandshakeError};
 use monero_pruning::PruningSeed;
 /// An internal identifier for a given peer, will be their address if known
-/// or a random u64 if not.
+/// or a random u128 if not.
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
 pub enum InternalPeerID<A> {
     /// A known address.
     /// An unknown address (probably an inbound anonymity network connection).
-    Unknown(u64),
+    Unknown(u128),
 impl<A: Display> Display for InternalPeerID<A> {