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//! Database [`BCReadRequest`]s, [`BCWriteRequest`]s, and [`BCResponse`]s.
//! Tests that assert particular requests lead to particular
//! responses are also tested in Cuprate's blockchain database crate.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
use crate::types::{ExtendedBlockHeader, OutputOnChain, VerifiedBlockInformation};
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadRequest
/// A read request to the blockchain database.
/// This pairs with [`BCResponse`], where each variant here
/// matches in name with a [`BCResponse`] variant. For example,
/// the proper response for a [`BCReadRequest::BlockHash`]
/// would be a [`BCResponse::BlockHash`].
/// See `Response` for the expected responses per `Request`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BCReadRequest {
/// Request a block's extended header.
/// The input is the block's height.
/// Request a block's hash.
/// The input is the block's height.
/// Removes the block hashes that are not in the _main_ chain.
/// This should filter (remove) hashes in alt-blocks as well.
FilterUnknownHashes(HashSet<[u8; 32]>),
/// Request a range of block extended headers.
/// The input is a range of block heights.
/// Request the current chain height.
/// Note that this is not the top-block height.
/// Request the total amount of generated coins (atomic units) so far.
/// Request data for multiple outputs.
/// The input is a `HashMap` where:
/// - Key = output amount
/// - Value = set of amount indices
/// For pre-RCT outputs, the amount is non-zero,
/// and the amount indices represent the wanted
/// indices of duplicate amount outputs, i.e.:
/// ```ignore
/// // list of outputs with amount 10
/// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
/// // ^ ^
/// // we only want these two, so we would provide
/// // `amount: 10, amount_index: {1, 3}`
/// ```
/// For RCT outputs, the amounts would be `0` and
/// the amount indices would represent the global
/// RCT output indices.
Outputs(HashMap<u64, HashSet<u64>>),
/// Request the amount of outputs with a certain amount.
/// The input is a list of output amounts.
/// Check that all key images within a set are not spent.
/// Input is a set of key images.
KeyImagesSpent(HashSet<[u8; 32]>),
/// A request for the compact chain history.
/// A request to find the first unknown block ID in a list of block IDs.
/// # Invariant
/// The [`Vec`] containing the block IDs must be sorted in chronological block
/// order, or else the returned response is unspecified and meaningless,
/// as this request performs a binary search.
FindFirstUnknown(Vec<[u8; 32]>),
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteRequest
/// A write request to the blockchain database.
/// There is currently only 1 write request to the database,
/// as such, the only valid [`BCResponse`] to this request is
/// the proper response for a [`BCResponse::WriteBlockOk`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BCWriteRequest {
/// Request that a block be written to the database.
/// Input is an already verified block.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response
/// A response from the database.
/// These are the data types returned when using sending a `Request`.
/// This pairs with [`BCReadRequest`] and [`BCWriteRequest`],
/// see those two for more info.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BCResponse {
//------------------------------------------------------ Reads
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::BlockExtendedHeader`].
/// Inner value is the extended headed of the requested block.
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::BlockHash`].
/// Inner value is the hash of the requested block.
BlockHash([u8; 32]),
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::FilterUnknownHashes`].
/// Inner value is the list of hashes that were in the main chain.
FilterUnknownHashes(HashSet<[u8; 32]>),
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::BlockExtendedHeaderInRange`].
/// Inner value is the list of extended header(s) of the requested block(s).
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::ChainHeight`].
/// Inner value is the chain height, and the top block's hash.
ChainHeight(u64, [u8; 32]),
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::GeneratedCoins`].
/// Inner value is the total amount of generated coins so far, in atomic units.
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::Outputs`].
/// Inner value is all the outputs requested,
/// associated with their amount and amount index.
Outputs(HashMap<u64, HashMap<u64, OutputOnChain>>),
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::NumberOutputsWithAmount`].
/// Inner value is a `HashMap` of all the outputs requested where:
/// - Key = output amount
/// - Value = count of outputs with the same amount
NumberOutputsWithAmount(HashMap<u64, usize>),
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::KeyImagesSpent`].
/// The inner value is `true` if _any_ of the key images
/// were spent (existed in the database already).
/// The inner value is `false` if _none_ of the key images were spent.
/// Response to [`BCReadRequest::CompactChainHistory`].
CompactChainHistory {
/// A list of blocks IDs in our chain, starting with the most recent block, all the way to the genesis block.
/// These blocks should be in reverse chronological order, not every block is needed.
block_ids: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
/// The current cumulative difficulty of the chain.
cumulative_difficulty: u128,
/// The response for [`BCReadRequest::FindFirstUnknown`].
/// Contains the index of the first unknown block and its expected height.
/// This will be [`None`] if all blocks were known.
FindFirstUnknown(Option<(usize, u64)>),
//------------------------------------------------------ Writes
/// Response to [`BCWriteRequest::WriteBlock`].
/// This response indicates that the requested block has
/// successfully been written to the database without error.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;