2023-04-24 21:37:40 +00:00
//! # Pruning Mechanism for Monero
//! This module provides an implementation of the pruning mechanism used in Monero.
//! The main data structure, `PruningSeed`, encapsulates the logic for creating and manipulating pruning seeds,
//! which determine the set of blocks to be pruned from the blockchain.
//! `PruningSeed` also contains a method for checking if a pruning seed is valid for Monero rules (must only be
//! split into 8 parts):
//! ```rust
//! use cuprate_common::pruning::PruningSeed;
//! let seed: u32 = 386; // the seed you wan't to check is valid
//! match PruningSeed::try_from(seed) {
//! Ok(seed) => seed, // seed is valid
//! Err(e) => panic!("seed is invalid")
//! };
//! ```
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use std ::cmp ::Ordering ;
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use thiserror ::Error ;
use super ::{
} ;
const PRUNING_SEED_STRIPE_MASK : u32 = 127 ;
#[ derive(Debug, Error) ]
pub enum PruningError {
#[ error( " log_stripes is out of range " ) ]
LogStripesOutOfRange ,
#[ error( " Stripe is out of range " ) ]
StripeOutOfRange ,
#[ error( " The block height is greater than `CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER` " ) ]
BlockHeightTooLarge ,
#[ error( " The blockchain height is greater than `CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER` " ) ]
BlockChainHeightTooLarge ,
#[ error( " The calculated height is smaller than the block height entered " ) ]
CalculatedHeightSmallerThanEnteredBlock ,
#[ error( " The entered seed has incorrect log stripes " ) ]
SeedDoesNotHaveCorrectLogStripes ,
/// A Monero pruning seed which has methods to get the next pruned/ unpruned block.
// Internally we use an Option<u32> to represent if a pruning seed is 0 (None)which means
// no pruning will take place.
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#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq) ]
#[ cfg_attr(
feature = " borsh " ,
derive ( borsh ::BorshSerialize , borsh ::BorshDeserialize )
) ]
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pub struct PruningSeed ( Option < u32 > ) ;
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impl PartialOrd for PruningSeed {
fn partial_cmp ( & self , other : & Self ) -> Option < Ordering > {
Some ( self . cmp ( other ) )
impl Ord for PruningSeed {
fn cmp ( & self , other : & Self ) -> Ordering {
match ( self . get_log_stripes ( ) , other . get_log_stripes ( ) ) {
( None , None ) = > Ordering ::Equal ,
( None , Some ( _ ) ) = > Ordering ::Greater ,
( Some ( _ ) , None ) = > Ordering ::Less ,
( Some ( stripe_s ) , Some ( stripe_o ) ) = > match stripe_s . cmp ( & stripe_o ) {
Ordering ::Equal = > self . get_stripe ( ) . unwrap ( ) . cmp ( & other . get_stripe ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ,
ordering = > ordering ,
} ,
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impl PruningSeed {
/// Creates a new pruning seed from a `stripe` and `log_stripes`
/// ### What is a `stripe`
/// A stripe is the part of the blockchain this peer will keep.
/// Monero, when pruning, will split the blockchain into multiple
/// "stripes", that amount is currently 8 and each pruned peer
/// will keep one of those 8 stripes.
/// ### What is `log_stripes`
/// `log_stripes` is log2 of the amount of stripes used.
/// For Monero, currently, that amount is 8 so `log_stripes` will
/// be 3.
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------
/// *note this function allows you to make invalid seeds, this is done
/// to allow the specifics of pruning to change in the future. To make
/// a valid seed you currently MUST pass in a number 1 to 8 for `stripe`
/// and 3 for `log_stripes`.*
pub fn new ( stripe : u32 , log_stripes : u32 ) -> Result < PruningSeed , PruningError > {
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Err ( PruningError ::LogStripesOutOfRange )
} else if ! ( stripe > 0 & & stripe < = ( 1 < < log_stripes ) ) {
Err ( PruningError ::StripeOutOfRange )
} else {
Ok ( PruningSeed ( Some (
| ( ( stripe - 1 ) < < PRUNING_SEED_STRIPE_SHIFT ) ,
) ) )
// Gets log2 of the total amount of stripes this seed is using.
fn get_log_stripes ( & self ) -> Option < u32 > {
let seed : u32 = self . 0 ? ;
// Gets the specific stripe of this seed.
fn get_stripe ( & self ) -> Option < u32 > {
let seed : u32 = self . 0 ? ;
/// Gets the next unpruned block for a given `block_height` and `blockchain_height`
/// Each seed will store, in a cyclic manner, a portion of blocks while discarding
/// the ones that are out of your stripe. This function is finding the next height
/// for which a specific seed will start storing blocks.
/// ### Errors
/// This function will return an Error if the inputted `block_height` or
/// `blockchain_height` is greater than [`CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER`].
/// This function will also error if `block_height` > `blockchain_height`
pub fn get_next_unpruned_block (
& self ,
block_height : u64 ,
blockchain_height : u64 ,
) -> Result < u64 , PruningError > {
if block_height > CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER | | block_height > blockchain_height {
Err ( PruningError ::BlockHeightTooLarge )
} else if blockchain_height > CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER {
Err ( PruningError ::BlockChainHeightTooLarge )
} else {
let Some ( seed_stripe ) = self . get_stripe ( ) else {
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// If the `get_stripe` returns None that means no pruning so the next
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// unpruned block is the one inputted.
return Ok ( block_height ) ;
} ;
if block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS > = blockchain_height {
// If we are within `CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS` of the chain we should
// not prune blocks.
return Ok ( block_height ) ;
let seed_log_stripes = self
. get_log_stripes ( )
let block_pruning_stripe = get_block_pruning_stripe ( block_height , blockchain_height , seed_log_stripes )
. expect ( " We just checked if `block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height` " ) ;
if seed_stripe = = block_pruning_stripe {
// if we have the same stripe as a block that means we keep the block so
// the entered block is the next un-pruned one.
return Ok ( block_height ) ;
// cycles: how many times each seed has stored blocks so when all seeds have
// stored blocks thats 1 cycle
let cycles = ( block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE ) > > seed_log_stripes ;
// if our seed is before the blocks seed in a cycle that means we have already past our
// seed this cycle and need to start the next
let cycles_start = cycles
+ if seed_stripe > block_pruning_stripe {
} else {
} ;
// amt_of_cycles * blocks in a cycle + how many blocks through a cycles until the seed starts storing blocks
let calculated_height = cycles_start
* ( CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE < < seed_log_stripes )
+ ( seed_stripe as u64 - 1 ) * CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE ;
if calculated_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS > blockchain_height {
// if our calculated height is greater than the amount of tip blocks the the start of the tip blocks will be the next un-pruned
return Ok ( blockchain_height . saturating_sub ( CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS ) ) ;
if calculated_height < block_height {
return Err ( PruningError ::CalculatedHeightSmallerThanEnteredBlock ) ;
Ok ( calculated_height )
/// Gets the next pruned block for a given `block_height` and `blockchain_height`
/// Each seed will store, in a cyclic manner, a portion of blocks while discarding
/// the ones that are out of your stripe. This function is finding the next height
/// for which a specific seed will start pruning blocks.
/// ### Errors
/// This function will return an Error if the inputted `block_height` or
/// `blockchain_height` is greater than [`CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER`].
/// This function will also error if `block_height` > `blockchain_height`
pub fn get_next_pruned_block (
& self ,
block_height : u64 ,
blockchain_height : u64 ,
) -> Result < u64 , PruningError > {
let Some ( seed_stripe ) = self . get_stripe ( ) else {
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// If the `get_stripe` returns None that means no pruning so the next
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// pruned block is nonexistent so we return the blockchain_height.
return Ok ( blockchain_height ) ;
} ;
if block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS > = blockchain_height {
// If we are within `CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS` of the chain we should
// not prune blocks.
return Ok ( blockchain_height ) ;
let seed_log_stripes = self
. get_log_stripes ( )
let block_pruning_stripe = get_block_pruning_stripe ( block_height , blockchain_height , seed_log_stripes )
. expect ( " We just checked if `block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS >= blockchain_height` " ) ;
if seed_stripe ! = block_pruning_stripe {
// if our stripe != the blocks stripe that means we prune that block
return Ok ( block_height ) ;
// We can get the end of our "non-pruning" cycle by getting the next stripe's after us first un-pruned block height
// so we calculate the next un-pruned block for the next stripe and return it as our next pruned block
let next_stripe = ( 1 + seed_log_stripes ) & ( ( 1 < < seed_log_stripes ) - 1 ) ;
let seed = PruningSeed ::new ( next_stripe , seed_log_stripes ) ? ;
seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( block_height , blockchain_height )
impl TryFrom < u32 > for PruningSeed {
type Error = PruningError ;
fn try_from ( value : u32 ) -> Result < Self , Self ::Error > {
if value = = 0 {
Ok ( PruningSeed ( None ) )
} else {
let seed = Self ( Some ( value ) ) ;
let log_stripes = seed . get_log_stripes ( ) . expect ( " This will only return None if the inner value is None which will only happen if the seed is 0 but we checked for that " ) ;
return Err ( PruningError ::SeedDoesNotHaveCorrectLogStripes ) ;
if seed . get_stripe ( ) . expect ( " same as above " ) > ( 1 < < log_stripes ) {
return Err ( PruningError ::StripeOutOfRange ) ;
Ok ( seed )
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impl From < PruningSeed > for u32 {
fn from ( value : PruningSeed ) -> Self {
value . 0. unwrap_or ( 0 )
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fn get_block_pruning_stripe (
block_height : u64 ,
blockchain_height : u64 ,
log_stripe : u32 ,
) -> Option < u32 > {
if block_height + CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_TIP_BLOCKS > = blockchain_height {
} else {
Some (
( ( ( block_height / CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_STRIPE_SIZE ) & ( ( 1 < < log_stripe ) as u64 - 1 ) ) + 1 )
as u32 , // it's trivial to prove it's ok to us `as` here
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use crate ::pruning ::{ get_block_pruning_stripe , PruningSeed } ;
fn make_all_pruning_seeds ( ) -> Vec < PruningSeed > {
let possible_stripes = 1 .. ( 1 < < CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES ) ;
. map ( | stripe | PruningSeed ::new ( stripe , CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES ) . unwrap ( ) )
. collect ( )
#[ test ]
fn from_u32_for_pruning_seed ( ) {
let good_seeds = 384 ..= 391 ;
for seed in good_seeds {
assert! ( PruningSeed ::try_from ( seed ) . is_ok ( ) ) ;
let bad_seeds = [ 383 , 392 ] ;
for seed in bad_seeds {
assert! ( PruningSeed ::try_from ( seed ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn make_invalid_pruning_seeds ( ) {
let invalid_stripes = [ 0 , ( 1 < < CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES ) + 1 ] ;
for stripe in invalid_stripes {
assert! ( PruningSeed ::new ( stripe , CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn get_pruning_log_stripe ( ) {
let all_valid_seeds = make_all_pruning_seeds ( ) ;
for seed in all_valid_seeds . iter ( ) {
assert_eq! ( seed . get_log_stripes ( ) . unwrap ( ) , 3 )
#[ test ]
fn get_pruning_stripe ( ) {
let all_valid_seeds = make_all_pruning_seeds ( ) ;
for ( i , seed ) in all_valid_seeds . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
assert_eq! ( seed . get_stripe ( ) . unwrap ( ) , i as u32 + 1 )
#[ test ]
fn blocks_pruning_stripe ( ) {
let blockchain_height = 76437863 ;
for i in 0_ u32 .. 8 {
assert_eq! (
get_block_pruning_stripe (
( i * 4096 ) as u64 ,
blockchain_height ,
. unwrap ( ) ,
i + 1
) ;
for i in 0_ u32 .. 8 {
assert_eq! (
get_block_pruning_stripe (
32768 + ( i * 4096 ) as u64 ,
blockchain_height ,
. unwrap ( ) ,
i + 1
) ;
for i in 1_ u32 .. 8 {
assert_eq! (
get_block_pruning_stripe (
32767 + ( i * 4096 ) as u64 ,
blockchain_height ,
. unwrap ( ) ,
) ;
// Block shouldn't be pruned
assert! ( get_block_pruning_stripe (
blockchain_height - 5500 ,
blockchain_height ,
. is_none ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn next_unpruned_block ( ) {
let all_valid_seeds = make_all_pruning_seeds ( ) ;
let blockchain_height = 76437863 ;
for ( i , seed ) in all_valid_seeds . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
assert_eq! (
seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( 0 , blockchain_height ) . unwrap ( ) ,
i as u64 * 4096
for ( i , seed ) in all_valid_seeds . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
assert_eq! (
seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( ( i as u64 + 1 ) * 4096 , blockchain_height )
. unwrap ( ) ,
i as u64 * 4096 + 32768
for ( i , seed ) in all_valid_seeds . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
assert_eq! (
seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( ( i as u64 + 8 ) * 4096 , blockchain_height )
. unwrap ( ) ,
i as u64 * 4096 + 32768
for ( _ , seed ) in all_valid_seeds . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
assert_eq! (
seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( 76437863 - 1 , blockchain_height )
. unwrap ( ) ,
76437863 - 1
let zero_seed = PruningSeed ( None ) ;
assert_eq! (
zero_seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( 33443 , 5565445 ) . unwrap ( ) ,
) ;
let seed = PruningSeed ( Some ( 384 ) ) ;
// the next unpruned block is the first tip block
assert_eq! ( seed . get_next_unpruned_block ( 5000 , 11000 ) . unwrap ( ) , 5500 )
// TODO: next_pruned_block